Electronic Telegram No. 2592 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION CBAT Director: Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat@iau.org) URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network (596) SCHEILA L. A. Molnar, Calvin College, reports that photometric lightcurve observations of the minor planet (596), taken on Dec. 14.30-14.54 and 15.33- 15.53 UT with the 0.40-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope of the Calvin-Rehoboth Observatory, folded on the rotational period of Warner (2006, Minor Planet Bull. 33, 58-62) display a shape similar to those previous measurements with an amplitude that is the same (0.09 magnitude). The average brightness was observed to be a full magnitude above the expected value, as it has been since the outburst was first observed on Dec. 3 (Warner and Harris, CBET 2590; Larson, IAUC 9188). There are two models of the increased brightness: reflection off material surrounding the solid object (as in a cometary outburst) or increased albedo of the object's surface (caused by a coating of lighter material). The cometary outburst model suggests a lightcurve amplitude diminished by 2.5 times, and is thus disfavored. The albedo model predicts no large change in amplitude, as is observed; it also predicts that the enhanced brightness will persist indefinitely. Corrigendum. On CBET 2590, first paragraph, line 16, FOR 2004-2005, READ 2005-2006, NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars. (C) Copyright 2010 CBAT 2010 December 18 (CBET 2592) Daniel W. E. Green