Electronic Telegram No. 5451 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Mailing address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat@iau.org) URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network THE EDGAR WILSON AWARDS 2019-2024 The 2014 Edgar Wilson Awards were announced on IAUC 9287, and the list for the 2015-2018 Awards was given on CBET 5432. The long-overdue Awards for comets discovered during July 2018-June 2024 have just been revealed by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The SAO has improperly decided to stop the intended practice of issuing cash prizes to recipients by Edgar Wilson's will/trust, and to instead keep the annual investment proceedings for internal use, and the SAO will now only issue plaques. Below is a listing of the new Edgar Wilson Awards. Awards for 2019: Donald Edward Machholz, Jr., AZ, USA (C/2018 V1) [posthumously] Shigehisa Fujikawa, Japan (C/2018 V1) Masayuki Iwamoto, Japan (C/2018 V1 and C/2018 Y1) Awards for 2020: Gennadii Borisov, Russia (2I/2019 Q4 and C/2019 V1) Masayuki Iwamoto, Japan (C/2020 A2) Eduardo Pimentel, Brazil (P/2020 G1 and C/2020 J1) Cristovao Jacques, Paulo Holvercem, and Joao Barros, Brazil (C/2020 J1) Awards for 2021: Leonardo S. Amaral, Brazil (C/2020 O2) Gennadii Borisov, Russia (C/2020 Q1 and C/2021 L3) Alain Maury, Chile; and Georges Attard, France (C/2021 J1) Awards for 2022: Hideo Nishimura, Japan (C/2021 O1) Alain Maury, Chile; and Georges Attard, France (P/2021 U3, C/2021 X1, C/2022 J1) Awards for 2023: Alain Maury, Chile; and Georges Attard, France (C/2022 N1) Jost Jahn, Germany (P/2023 C1) Awards for 2024: Hideo Nishimura, Japan (C/2023 P1) Gennadii Borisov, Russia (C/2023 T2) Jordi Camarasa, Spain; and Grzegorz Duszanowicz, Sweden (C/2023 V4) Robson Henrique dos Santos Hahn, Germany (P/2024 FG_9) The SWAN comets (e.g., C/2020 F8, C/2021 D1, C/2023 A2) are not immediately eligible, due to the rules specifying that privately-owned equipment must be used for the discoveries. Xing Gao and Xi Liao (China) were deemed ineligible for their co-discovery of P/2024 FG9 despite their observing entirely in an amateur capacity (without funding or pay) as part of their fully amateur XingMing Observatory, because the 1-m discovery telescope belongs to the Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (a professional institution). NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars. (C) Copyright 2024 CBAT 2024 October 1 (CBET 5451) Daniel W. E. Green