Circulaire No. 255 BUREAU CENTRAL ASTRONOMIQUE DE L'UNION ASTRONOMIQUE INTERNATIONALE OBSERVATOIRE DE COPENHAGUE TRANSNEPTUNIAN PLANET? We received from Prof. Shapley the following telegram: "Lowell observatory telegraphs systematic search begun years ago supplementing Lowells investigations for transneptunian planet has revealed object which for seven weeks has in rate of motion and path consistently conformed to transneptunian body at approximate distance he assigned fifteenth magnitude position march twelve three hours G.M.T. was seven seconds of time west from delta geminorum agreeing with Lowells predicted longitude Shapley." COMET BEYER (1930b) Telegram from Prof. Kobold: Beyer (Grossborstel) discovered a new comet as follows: 1930 U.T. R.A. (1930.0) Decl. Mag. March 11 20h30m5 6 5 20 +32 22 10.5 Daily Motion dRA = 0, dDecl = +28' Prof. Prager has found this comet on two Ernostar- plates: 1930 U.T. R.A. (1930.0) Decl. March 2 21h59m0 6 8 12.87 +28 3 5 3 21 11.0 6 7 40.53 +28 32 2 Prof. Bianchi (Milano) telegraphs the following position: 1930 U.T. R.A. (1930.0) Decl. March 13 18h49m9 6 5 11.33 +33 14 2 Mag. 11 1930 March 14 (255) Elis Stromgren
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