Circulaire No. 268 BUREAU CENTRAL ASTRONOMIQUE DE L'UNION ASTRONOMIQUE INTERNATIONALE OBSERVATOIRE DE COPENHAGUE OBJECT LOWELL OBSERVATORY Observations. In Circulaire No. 8 D (Service des informations rapides) M. E. Esclangon, Director of the observatory Paris, publishes the following observations made at Paris observatory (Equatorial of the Carte du Ciel; observers: de Grandchamp, Canavaggia, Mineur, Barbier; computers: Mineur, Canavaggia, Barbier): 1930 U.T. R.A. (1930.0) Decl. March 26 21h32m5 7 15 31.17 +22 8 17.8 27 21 35.0 7 15 31.09 +22 8 24.4 28 21 44.0 7 15 30.63 +22 8 26.4 31 21 7.0 7 15 30.21 +22 8 40.7 April 3 20 7.0 7 15 30.77 +22 8 50.2 Dr. W. Baade at the observatory Bergedorf sends the following positions: 1930 U.T. R.A. (1930.0) Decl. March 30 19h47m 4s 7 15 30.23 +22 8 33.6 April 3 23 6 20 7 15 30.84 +22 8 48.8 We have received the following telegram from Prof. Shapley: "Leuschner telegraphs preliminary investigation Lowell observatory object by Bower and Whipple results in group of solutions giving approximate present distance forty one astronomical units inclination 17 deg. longitude node 109 deg. Observations chiefly by Meyer Lick Observatory March 16th to April 4th are accurately represented by orbits varying from near circle to parabola with perihelion distance 17 astronomical units." An Observation Circular from the Lowell Observatory of 1930 March 13 gives details about the search for a transneptunian planet, the discovery of the new object on plates of 1930 Jan. 21, 23 and 29 and about the observations since that time. 1930 April 7 (268) Elis Stromgren
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