Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 1926: 1965f; 1965h; 1965i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 1926
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The folllowing precise positions have been reported:

     1965 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.       Observer
     Sept.21.37818    8 55 08.53   - 9 14 41.1      P
          21.38061    8 55 09.29   - 9 14 44.0      P
          21.38443    8 55 10.11   - 9 14 46.3      P
          22.34554    8 59 06.01   - 9 28 31.6      P
          22.35249    8 59 07.68   - 9 28 46.5      P
          29.50586    9 34 07.34   -11 23 36.9      VB
     Oct.  1.13785    9 43 54.36   -11 52 04.9      A
           2.14028    9 50 20.42   -12 09 51.4      A

P.   Pereyra - Cordoba Observatory.
VB.  Van Biesbroeck - Steward Observatory, Tucson.  Total mag. 6
A    Antal - Skalnate Pleso Observatory.  Total mag. 6; tail < 1o.

     Orbital elements have been received as follows:

            L. E. Cunningham       M. McCants

     T  =   1965 October 21.170    1965 October 21.198

  Peri. =    69.00                  67.04
  Node  =   346.44   1950.0        342.79   1950.0
  Incl. =   141.87                 141.36

     q  =     0.0079 AU              0.00603 AU

     Ephemerides from these sets of elements are in close agreement with
the one on IAUC 1925.

     The following precise position has been received from
G. Van Biesbroeck, University of Arizona:

     1965 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.
     Sept.29.10583   17 02 31.97   +33 27 41.0   11

     Dr. Z. Sekanina, People's Observatory, Prague, has sent the
following elements and ephemeris for Comet Alcock, based on three
accurate positions and an arc of three days.  The residuals are
less than 1".

          T  = 1965 Oct. 26.036

       Peri. = 150.27
       Node  = 174.71   1950.0
       Incl. =  65.12

          q  =   1.2981 AU

1965 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r
Oct.  2    17 14.1     +31 18      1.187    1.348
      7    17 34.4     +27 15      1.150    1.329
     12    17 55.1     +22 50      1.123    1.315
     17    18 16.1     +18 06      1.106    1.305
     22    18 37.3     +13 12      1.101    1.300
     27    18 58.4     + 8 14      1.108    1.298
Nov.  1    19 19.2     + 3 23      1.128    1.301
      6    19 39.7     - 1 14      1.159    1.309

     Dr. J. Schubart, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, writes that
he has found diffuse trails, probably images of Comet Tempel-Tuttle,
on plates taken by M. J. Bester with the 10-inch Metcalf astrograph
at Boyden Observatory, Bloemfontein.  The positions have been
measured by Drs. E. Geyer and Schubart as follows:

     1965 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.
     June 30.13711    2 37 47.9    + 1 28 07     16
     July  1.12918    2 36 44.9    + 1 00 39

The second observation is uncertain, as the emulsion is disturbed
in that region of the plate.  Both positions agree very well with
an orbit close to the predicted one (IAUC 1907), applying a correction
of Delta-T = +5.0d.  Since the comet has a retrograde orbit, confusion
with a minor planet is unlikely.  For the re-examination of
other plates, use may be made of the published ephemerides corrected
by 5/6 of the absolute value of the variation in both coordinates.

1965 October 4                 (1926)              Owen Gingerich

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