Circular No. 2217 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET BENNETT (1969i) Mr. Z. M. Pereyra sends the following precise positions, measured by Miss B. Oviedo from plates exposed by him with the 33-cm astrograph of the Cordoba Observatory for the Comision Nacional de Estudios Geo-Heliofisicos, Argentina. Computer: J. J. Rodriguez. 1970 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Feb. 2.04251 23 23 57.04 -57 53 42.5 2.04320 23 23 56.93 -57 53 40.9 2.04389 23 23 56.87 -57 53 40.2 4.02581 23 20 20.47 -57 19 04.5 4.02650 23 20 20.38 -57 19 03.8 4.02720 23 20 20.31 -57 19 02.7 8.02303 23 13 13.18 -56 05 57.5 8.02373 23 13 13.01 -56 05 57.0 8.02442 23 13 12.98 -56 05 55.5 9.02095 23 11 27.21 -55 46 50.1 9.02164 23 11 27.26 -55 46 49.3 9.02234 23 11 27.13 -55 46 47.7 10.01123 23 09 42.22 -55 27 29.6 10.01192 23 09 42.24 -55 27 28.8 10.01262 23 09 42.15 -55 27 28.3 11.00428 23 07 56.69 -55 07 37.1 11.00498 23 07 56.70 -55 07 36.5 11.00567 23 07 56.67 -55 07 35.8 12.01400 23 06 09.00 -54 46 55.5 12.01470 23 06 08.97 -54 46 54.1 12.01539 23 06 08.87 -54 46 53.3 COMET KOHOUTEK (1969b) Dr. J. M. Mohr, Charles University Astronomical Institute, sends the following observations by A. Mrkos, Klet Observatory: 1969/70 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Nov. 29.77082 18 19 46.21 +27 58 31.2 Jan. 6.70414 19 04 08.30 +35 28 05.2 7.70141 19 05 43.11 +35 47 11.2 11.73981 19 12 23.71 +37 09 03.7 14.71393 19 17 37.88 +38 14 21.1 1970 February 26 (2217) Brian G. Marsden
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