Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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Read IAUC 2219  SEARCH Read IAUC 2221
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2220
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     M. S. Burkhead, M. A. Seeds [we apologize for giving this name
incorrectly on IAUC 2215] and V. J. Lee, Goethe Link Observatory,
Indiana University, have also identified the prenova as the object
reported on IAUC 2218.  From the Palomar Sky Survey charts they
derive the approximate magnitude and color as V = 16.1, B - V = +0.8.
They also provide the following additional UBV measures and remark
that over 15-minute intervals the nova appears constant with no
short term variability.

     1970 UT       V      B - V   U - B   Remarks
     Feb. 18.46   4.41    +1.12   +0.74   Replaces earlier result
          20.44   4.61    +0.99   +0.54   74 Oph standard only
          21.44   4.62    +0.97   +0.46
          22.44   4.69    +0.88   +0.35
          24.44   4.63    +0.87   +0.29   74 Oph only; clouds
          26.44   4.77    +0.87   +0.19

     J. Grygar and J. B. Hutchings, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory,
Victoria, write: "Eleven plates were taken between February
20 and 22 at dispersions between 6.5 and 15 A/mm, covering the
range 3500-6600 A, with the 122-cm and 183-cm telescopes of the
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.  No change was obvious in the
spectrum during this time interval.  Lines of H I, Fe II, Cr II,
Ti II, Na I and Ca II were definitely identified, and interstellar
components of Ca II (H, K) and Na I (D1, D2) were clearly visible.
Strong broad emission components were present in the Balmer, Fe II
and Ti II lines, and weaker emission in the Ca II and Na I lines.
No sharp emission peaks were present.  The H-beta emission profile had
the appearance of two profiles superimposed, of widths about 1000
km/s and 1800 km/s.  Other unblended emission profiles had a mean
width of 1800 km/s, apart from H-alpha which was about 2700 km/s in
width.  There were two main absorption systems with mean displacements
of -600 km/s and -1050 km/s from the line standard wavelengths.
The higher velocity component was more prominent in the
Balmer lines, and slightly more prominent in the Fe II lines.  The
components were about equal in strength in Na I, Ti II and Cr II,
and the low velocity component stronger in the Ca II lines."

     Dr. M. Schmidt, California Institute of Technology, communicates
the following observations of a rapidly moving minor planet
discovered by C. Kowal at Palomar:

     1970 UT        R. A. (1950) Decl.   Mag.
     Jan. 31.268     8 02.7    +19 48    17
     Feb.  1.341     8 00.9    +19 33    17

     The following ephemeris extends that on IAUC 2144.

     1970/71 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Apr.  4    22 34.90    - 3 13.6    3.511   2.749   19.6
          14    22 50.77    - 1 46.9
          24    23 06.42    - 0 19.4    3.303   2.699   19.4
     May   4    23 21.81    + 1 07.7
          14    23 36.88    + 2 33.3    3.066   2.653   19.2
          24    23 51.57    + 3 56.1
     June  3     0 05.82    + 5 14.8    2.810   2.612   18.9
          13     0 19.52    + 6 28.0
          23     0 32.55    + 7 34.3    2.542   2.575   18.6
     July  3     0 44.77    + 8 32.1
          13     0 55.97    + 9 19.6    2.272   2.544   18.3
          23     1 05.94    + 9 55.1
     Aug.  2     1 14.42    +10 16.6    2.013   2.518   18.0
          12     1 21.12    +10 22.1
          22     1 25.79    +10 10.0    1.782   2.499   17.7
     Sept. 1     1 28.20    + 9 38.9
          11     1 28.24    + 8 48.4    1.601   2.486   17.5
          21     1 26.06    + 7 40.5
     Oct.  1     1 22.01    + 6 18.8    1.498   2.480   17.3
          11     1 16.81    + 4 50.2
          21     1 11.37    + 3 23.5    1.494   2.481   17.3
          31     1 06.61    + 2 06.9
     Nov. 10     1 03.37    + 1 07.5    1.594   2.488   17.5
          20     1 02.18    + 0 29.0
          30     1 03.27    + 0 12.5    1.778   2.502   17.7
     Dec. 10     1 06.69    + 0 16.7
          20     1 12.27    + 0 39.2    2.019   2.522   18.0
          30     1 19.80    + 1 16.9
     Jan.  9     1 29.04    + 2 07.0    2.291   2.548   18.4
          19     1 39.73    + 3 06.3
          29     1 51.65    + 4 12.3    2.574   2.581   18.7
     Feb.  8     2 04.64    + 5 22.7
          18     2 18.50    + 6 35.3    2.853   2.618   19.0
          28     2 33.11    + 7 48.3
     Mar. 10     2 48.36    + 9 00.0    3.116   2.660   19.2
          20     3 04.13    +10 09.0
          30     3 20.33    +11 14.0    3.354   2.707   19.5

1970 March 5                   (2220)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 2219  SEARCH Read IAUC 2221

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