Circular No. 2244 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET ASHBROOK-JACKSON (1970e) Mr. Z. M. Pereyra, Cordoba Observatory for the CNEGH, communicates the following semi-accurate positions, measured from his plates by Miss B. Oviedo. The comet has a tail 15" long. The March 9 magnitude has been revised to 19.5. 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. May 1.36869 19 02.40 -38 10.1 18.5 2.28883 19 02.75 -38 14.3 3.32837 19 03.11 -38 19.1 PERIODIC COMET ENCKE The following results, by B. G. Marsden, are from an orbit satisfying observations 1927-1967, including the effects of nongravitational forces and perturbations by all nine planets. A very similar ephemeris, corresponding to T = 1971 Jan. 9.9583 ET, by N. A. Bohan, appears in Kiev. Komet. Cirk. No. 81. T = 1971 Jan. 9.9820 ET Epoch = 1971 Jan. 9.0 ET Peri. = 185.9432 e = 0.847162 Node = 334.2185 1950.0 a = 2.217325 AU Incl. = 11.9740 n = 0.2985107 q = 0.338891 AU P = 3.302 years 1970/71 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. June 23 1 19.88 +14 22.7 2.983 2.752 20.5 July 3 1 29.19 +15 45.5 13 1 37.93 +17 08.9 2.550 2.594 19.7 23 1 45.91 +18 33.1 Aug. 2 1 52.86 +19 58.4 2.103 2.423 18.9 12 1 58.40 +21 25.4 22 2 02.00 +22 54.7 1.659 2.238 17.8 Sept. 1 2 02.94 +24 26.7 11 2 00.09 +26 01.1 1.242 2.035 16.6 21 1 51.95 +27 36.3 Oct. 1 1 36.31 +29 05.2 0.879 1.812 15.1 11 1 10.45 +30 10.7 21 0 32.11 +30 18.2 0.607 1.566 13.3 26 0 08.22 +29 43.8 31 23 41.85 +28 35.4 0.517 1.432 12.4 Nov. 5 23 13.96 +26 49.6 10 22 45.69 +24 27.7 0.461 1.290 11.5 15 22 18.01 +21 35.3 20 21 51.54 +18 20.4 0.433 1.139 10.5 25 21 26.44 +14 50.6 30 21 02.41 +11 11.0 0.425 0.978 9.5 Dec. 5 20 38.79 + 7 22.5 10 20 14.65 + 3 22.1 0.429 0.805 8.3 15 19 49.08 - 0 55.5 20 19 21.61 - 5 33.5 0.456 0.623 6.7 25 18 52.82 -10 27.3 30 18 25.48 -15 20.4 0.550 0.446 4.9 Jan 4 18 05.15 -19 47.3 9 17 58.70 -23 22.7 0.785 0.340 3.9 14 18 08.21 -25 49.6 19 18 27.68 -27 09.1 1.099 0.415 6.0 24 18 50.14 -27 38.6 29 19 12.13 -27 36.1 1.356 0.587 8.7 Feb. 3 19 32.54 -27 14.0 8 19 51.15 -26 40.2 1.556 0.770 10.8 13 20 08.07 -25 59.3 18 20 23.46 -25 14.3 1.715 0.945 12.3 23 20 37.52 -24 27.2 28 20 50.40 -23 39.3 1.842 1.108 13.5 Mar. 5 21 02.24 -22 51.6 10 21 13.15 -22 04.7 1.941 1.261 14.5 15 21 23.23 -21 18.9 20 21 32.56 -20 34 7 2.014 1.405 15.2 25 21 41.19 -19 52.3 30 21 49.19 -19 12.0 2.063 1.540 15.9 Apr. 9 22 03.35 -17 58.3 19 22 15.25 -16 54.9 2.095 1.789 16.9 29 22 24.93 -16 03.2 May 9 22 32.33 -15 24.7 2.053 2.014 17.6 19 22 37.34 -15 00.5 29 22 39.73 -14 52.2 1.959 2.219 18.2 June 8 22 39.25 -15 01.1 18 22 35.65 -15 27.4 1.847 2.406 18.6 28 22 28.72 -16 10.6 July 8 22 18.47 -17 07.9 1.763 2.578 18.9 18 22 05.27 -18 14.1 28 21 49.87 -19 21.9 1.760 2.737 19.3 Aug. 7 21 33.49 -20 23.6 17 21 17.53 -21 12.8 1.880 2.883 19.8 27 21 03.26 -21 46.7 Sept. 6 20 51.62 -22 05.1 2.126 3.019 20.3 Mag. = 11.5 + 5 log Delta + 15 log r 1970 May 20 (2244) Brian G. Marsden
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