Circular No. 2249 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET D'ARREST (1970d) Dr. Elizabeth Roemer, University of Arizona, provides the following precise positions: 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mar. 14.49653 19 58 18.16 - 9 02 19.9 14.51921 19 58 22.98 - 9 02 10.2 Apr. 7.48049 21 29 41.20 - 5 42 20.4 On Mar. 14 the observations were made using the Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector on Kitt Peak, and the observers were E. Roemer and J. Schreur. Oh Apr. 7 the 154-cm reflector at the Catalina station of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory was used, the observers being E. Roemer and R. Elliott. Measurer: B. Schreur. COMET TAGO-SATO-KOSAKA (1969g) Mr. C. Torres, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile, communicates the following precise positions, made with the Gautier normal astrograph at Cerro Calan. Measurer: M. Wischnjewsky and J. Petit. Computer: H. Wroblewski. 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Jan. 16.06623 23 19 29.53 -35 39 28.2 20.06016 0 12 26.65 -20 33 35.5 26.07251 1 13 09.74 + 3 05 17.0 29.05948 1 36 06.60 +12 20 13.5 PERIODIC COMET FAYE (1969a) D. Ferguson, T. Griess, S. Kanagy and J. Levine, Warner and Swasey Observatory, provide the following precise positions, measured from plates taken with the Burrell 61/91-cm Schmidt. 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Oct. 9.34253 5 02 43.1 +15 44 36 9.36823 5 02 45.3 +15 44 29 1910 May 29 (2249) Brian G. Marsden
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