Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2270: N Sct 1970; 1970g

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                                                  Circular No. 2270
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Prof. M. Huruhata, Director of the Tokyo Observatory, sends
the following position by H. Kosai, using the 50-cm f/2 Schmidt at
Dodaira station of TAO.

        R. A. (1950) Decl.
     18 43  0.00   - 8 36 13.6

     The following magnitudes have been reported.

     1970 UT      mv      mp      V     B - V   U - B    Observer
     July 27.99          >9 *                            Locher
          30.90   7 **                                   Allen
     Aug   3.45   9.3***                                 Jones
           3.65                  7.45    +.69    +.13    Watanabe
           3.88   7.8                                    Locher
           4.29           8.8                            Fisher
           4.45   8.5                                    Jones
           4.86   8.0                                    Locher
           5.41   8.1                                    Jones
           5.56                  7.55    +.57            Takahashi
           5.87   8.2                                    Locher
           6.95   8.0                                    Lukas
           7.92   8.0                                    Lukas

*      does not appear on panchromatic film.
**     from memory; the nova was not then recognized.
***    sky conditions poor.

K. Locher, Grut-Wetzikon, Switzerland.  Compared with SAO Catalog.
D. A. Allen, The Observatories, Cambridge, England.
A. Jones, Nelson, New Zealand.  Compared with SAO 142603.
   Communicated by Fisher.
E. Watanabe, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory.  188-cm reflector at
   Okayama station of TAO.  Communicated by Huruhata.
W. J. H. Fisher, Director of Carter Observatory.  Compared with
   SAO 142603; 4-inch and 12-inch, blue sensitive emulsion.
K. Takahashi, Wakayama University.  188-cm reflector at Okayama.
   Communicated by Huruhata.
R. Lukas, Wilhelm Foerster Observatory, Berlin.  20x70 binoculars,
   compared with SAO catalog.  Communicated by AAVSO.

COMET ABE (1970g)
     Z. Sekanina, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, has
computed the following parabolic orbit, using B. G. Marsden's computer
program and 24 observations, July 5 to 21.

       T = 1970 Oct. 20.78 ET    Peri. =  96.53
                                 Node  =  20.995   1950.0
       q = 1.1138 AU             Incl. = 126.64

     1970 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Aug. 14     1 51.75    +51 41.0    1.111   1.544    6.5
          15     1 48.18    +52 58.4
          16     1 44.15    +54 18.5    1.064   1.523    6.8
          17     1 39.60    +55 41.0
          18     1 34.44    +57 06.0    1.020   1.503    7.1
          19     1 28.54    +58 33.3
          20     1 21.79    +60 02.7     .979   1.483    7.3
          21     1 14.01    +61 33.7
          22     1 05.01    +63 06.0     .942   1.463    7.1
          23     0 54.53    +64 38.8
          24     0 42.27    +66 11.1     .908   1.444    7.0
          25     0 27.87    +67 41.8
          26     0 10.90    +69 09.3     .879   1.424    6.8
          27    23 50.91    +70 31.2
          28    23 27.46    +71 45.1     .854   1.406    6.7
          29    23 00.27    +72 47.5
          30    22 29.40    +73 34.9     .835   1.387    6.5
          31    21 55.46    +74 03.5
     Sept  1    21 19.69    +74 10.6     .821   1.369    6.4
           2    20 43.82    +73 54.6
           3    20 09.59    +73 16.2     .813   1.351    6.3
           4    19 38.33    +72 17.4
           5    19 10.70    +71 01.4     .810   1.334    6.1
           6    18 46.81    +69 31.7
           7    18 26.40    +67 51.7     .814   1.317    6.0
           8    18 09.06    +66 04.1
           9    17 54.31    +64 11.3     .823   1.301    5.9
          10    17 41.75    +62 15.3
          11    17 30.98    +60 17.6     .838   1.285    5.9
          12    17 21.71    +58 19.5
          13    17 13.68    +56 21.8     .857   1.269    5.8
          14    17 06.68    +54 25.5
          15    17 00.54    +52 31.1     .881   1.254    5.7
          16    16 55.13    +50 39.0

          21    16 35.74    +42 03.3     .976   1.214    5.8
          26    16 24.05    +34 49.0
     Oct.  1    16 16.44    +28 49.8    1.181   1.159    6.0

1970 August 11                 (2270)              Richard B. Southworth

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