Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2300: 1970r; 1970g; JUPITER IX AND XII

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2300
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1970/71 UT          R.A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Dec. 27.79167   13 25 49.60   -12 46 48.0   14     Kojima
          27.84653   13 25 55.60   -12 47 29.7            "
          29.84028   13 29 39.07   -13 13 27.0   14       "
          29.86771   13 29 41.66   -13 13 48.3            "
          31.87222   13 33 22.25   -13 39 14.1   14     Seki
     Jan.  1.80367   13 35 03.63   -13 50 47.1   13     Tomita
           1.80888   13 35 04.34   -13 50 55.0            "
           1.85903   13 35 09.30   -13 51 33.9   14     Kojima
           1.86389   13 35 09.96   -13 51 39.4   14     Seki
           2.82522   13 36 53.61   -14 03 28.2   13     Tomita
           5.85903   13 42 13.98   -14 40 12.2          Seki

N. Kojima (Ishiki, Aichi).  Measurer: H. Kosai.  Yamamoto Circ. No.
   1731 gives somewhat similar measurements by T. Seki.
T. Seki (Kochi Observatory).  5' tail on Jan. 5.
K. Tomita (Tokyo Observatory, Dodaira station).  With condensation.

     Continuation to the ephemeris from the elements on IAUC 2299:

1971 TT     R. A. (1900) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
Jan. 14    13 55.79    -16 11.6
     19    14 03.47    -17 03.1    1.977    2.104    14.2
     24    14 10.63    -17 50.8
     29    14 17.22    -18 34.8    1.927    2.163    14.3
Feb.  3    14 23.20    -19 15.0
      8    14 28.54    -19 51.4    1.879    2.227    14.3

COMET ABE (1970g)
     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1970/71 UT          R.A. (1950) Decl.       Observer
     Sept. 4.79698   19 14 32.17   +71 14 47.6   Smirnova
          21.77659   16 33 07.83   +40 42 39.2     "
          21.78701   16 33 05.89   +40 41 42.1     "
          23.85460   16 28 01.50   +37 37 45.3     "
          29.77194   16 17 42.34   +30 04 32.1     "
          29.78027   16 17 41.98   +30 03 58.5     "
          30.75867   16 16 25.12   +28 58 31.4     "
          30.77117   16 16 24.25   +28 57 41.7     "
     Jan.  4.22560   15 46 11.11   -10 29 32.9   Mrkos
           5.20937   15 45 42.57   -10 42 38.2     "
           5.21424   15 45 42.35   -10 42 42.8   Petrovicova
           6.20774   15 45 12.08   -10 55 56.5   Mrkos
           6.21781   15 45 11.91   -10 56 05.4     "

T. Smirnova (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory).  Reduced at I.T.A.,
   Leningrad.  Communicated by G. R. Kastel'.
A. Mrkos and R. Petrovicova (Klet Observatory).

     Dr. S. Herrick, University of California, Los Angeles,
communicates the following ephemerides, based on starting diagonals
and elements resulting from differential correction from variant
orbits integrated by G. E. Newnam II.  Perturbations by the sun and
Saturn were taken into account.

              J IX - Jupiter           J XII - Jupiter
1971 ET     dR.A.   dDecl.   Mag.    dR.A.   dDecl.    Mag.
Jan.  9     -7m09  + 58'00   19.7    +4m30   - 50'58   19.7
     19     -7.06  + 59.02           +4.44   - 47.50
     29     -7.00  + 60.12           +4.50   - 43.80
Feb.  8     -6.91  + 61.34           +4.48   - 39.48
     18     -6.79  + 62.70   19.5    +4.38   - 34.54   19.6
     28     -6.64  + 64.19           +4.20   - 28.99
Mar. 10     -6.45  + 65.80           +3.95   - 22.84
     20     -6.24  + 67.46           +3.63   - 16.13
     30     -5.99  + 69.09           +3.24   -  8.88
Apr.  9     -5.72  + 70.57   19.1    +2.80   -  1.19   19.3
     19     -5.41  + 71.75           +2.31   +  6.84
     29     -5.06  + 72.47           +1.79   + 15.03
May   9     -4.68  + 72.54           +1.24   + 23.17
     19     -4.26  + 71.82           +0.67   + 31.03
     29     -3.80  + 70.21   18.9    +0.09   + 38.35   19.1
June  8     -3.31  + 67.66           -0.49   + 44.91
     18     -2.78  + 64.20           -1.06   + 50.52
     28     -2.22  + 59.92           -1.63   + 55.06
July  8     -1.64  + 54.98           -2.17   + 58.45
     18     -1.05  + 49.52   19.1    -2.68   + 60.70   19.3
     28     -0.45  + 43.71           -3.15   + 61.83
Aug.  7     +0.16  + 37.73           -3.56   + 61.91
     17     +0.75  + 31.71           -3.92   + 61.02
     27     +1.34  + 25.78           -4.22   + 59.26
Sept. 6     +1.90  + 20.03   19.4    -4.44   + 56.72   19.5

1971 January 15                (2300)              Brian G. Marsden

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