Circular No. 2594 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET SANDAGE (1973k) The following precise position has been obtained by R. E. McCrosky and G. Schwartz with the 155-cm reflector at Harvard Observatory's Agassiz Station. Measurer: C. Y. Shao. The comet's image was diffuse, only slightly condensed at the low altitude. 1973 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 Sept.26.00355 14 42 51.76 +19 02 37.3 15.7 Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 2567: 1973/74 R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 4 15 03.22 +20 10.1 5.413 4.815 15.5 14 15 06.01 +21 04.9 24 15 08.22 +22 14.7 5.188 4.824 15.4 Jan. 3 15 09.62 +23 40.7 13 15 09.94 +25 23.2 4.915 4.837 15.3 23 15 08.91 +27 22.6 Feb. 2 15 06.19 +29 37.9 4.637 4.856 15.2 12 15 01.44 +32 06.8 22 14 54.34 +34 45.2 4.405 4.880 15.1 Mar. 4 14 44.58 +37 27.2 14 14 32.04 +40 04.8 4.269 4.909 15.1 24 14 16.77 +42 28.7 Apr. 3 13 59.20 +44 30.0 4.264 4.942 15.1 13 13 40.12 +46 01.6 23 13 20.61 +46 59.8 4.398 4.980 15.2 May 3 13 01.82 +47 25.0 13 12 44.74 +47 20.9 4.646 5.022 15.3 23 12 30.01 +46 53.4 June 2 12 17.93 +46 08.8 4.963 5.069 15.5 12 12 08.49 +45 13.0 22 12 01.48 +44 10.9 5.301 5.120 15.7 July 2 11 56.63 +43 06.2 12 11 53.62 +42 01.9 5.619 5.174 15.9 22 11 52.14 +40 59.8 Aug. 1 11 51.91 +40 01.7 5.884 5.233 16.0 m1 = 5.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r 1973 November 8 (2594) Brian G. Marsden
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