Circular No. 2703 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PROBABLE NEW SATELLITE OF JUPITER Dr. Elizabeth Roemer, University of Arizona, communicates the following semiaccurate positions, scaled by her of images found by Carolyn McCarthy on plates exposed by R. Weymann, R. Cromwell and R. McCallister with the Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector on Kitt Peak; the 1.5-min exposures were taken through a 140-mm image tube. 1974 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Sept.23.30968 22 44.97 - 9 26.3 23.33772 22 44.96 - 9 26.4 Computations by K. Aksnes and B. G. Marsden suggest that this object is indeed the same object reported on IAUC 2702; and while the five positions can be represented by heliocentric orbits having a > ~6 AU, it still seems more probable that the object is a new Jovian satellite, perhaps instead a member of the 'middle' group having direct orbits. Observations are still urgently desired. In the following ephemeris it is presumed that the object is a satellite in a direct orbit. 1974 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. dR.A. dDecl. Sept.30 22 42.17 - 9 37.7 -4m52 -18'0 Oct. 5 22 40.37 - 9 44.5 -4.46 -14.1 10 22 38.86 - 9 49.6 -4.33 -10.1 15 22 37.66 - 9 53.0 -4.17 - 6.1 20 22 36.78 - 9 54.7 -3.96 - 2.2 25 22 36.22 - 9 54.6 -3.73 + 1.6 30 22 36.00 - 9 52.7 -3.48 + 5.3 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA On application, subscribers outside North America may now change their accounts from regular to special. In a special account the Circulars cost 16c apiece, instead of the regular 22c. Invoices will not be sent, and the subscriber should renew (generally for 50 or 100 issues) when the current and 'expiry' (given by the last four figures of the 12-figure number above his address) Circular Nos. differ by less than 10. If the subscriber currently has an outstanding bill, he should remit an amount that will bring his credit balance up to at least $8.00. 1974 October 1 (2703) Brian G. Marsden
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