Circular No. 2726 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET VAN DEN BERGH (1974g) The following precise positions have been reported: 1974 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Nov. 14.12155 1 32 01.51 +30 38 47.9 Shao 14.63125 1 31 51.57 +30 34 02.2 17 Seki 14.65417 1 31 51.01 +30 33 51.5 " 18.08086 1 30 46.86 +30 02 02.8 Schwartz 18.65417 1 30 36.52 +29 56 42.0 17 Seki 19.03895 1 30 30.30 +29 53 07.8 Schwartz 19.64444 1 30 20.08 +29 47 26.6 17 Seki 22.60197 1 29 32.26 +29 20 00.7 17 Furuta 22.61916 1 29 31.75 +29 19 49.5 " 23.13880 1 29 24.21 +29 14 59.2 Shao C. Y. Shao and G. Schwartz (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station). 155-cm reflector. Measurers: Shao and J. H. Bulger. Nov. 18: comet on a star. Nov. 23: dark plate in moonlight. T. Seki (Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station) and T. Furuta (Tokai). Measurer: Seki. Comet diffuse with condensation. Communicated by K. Osawa. The following sets of parabolic orbital elements are available. T and Peri. are still very uncertain, but the record large perihelion distance for this comet is confirmed. The ephemeris is from the second set of elements. T = 1970 Oct. 8.1642 ET Epoch = 1970 Aug. 2.0 ET Peri. = 115.6884 e = 0.508677 Node = 187.8938 1950.0 a = 3.413334 AU Incl. = 2.8619 n = 0.1562917 q = 1.677050 AU P = 6.306 years K. Hurukawa-T. Hirayama B. G. Marsden (6 obs. Nov. 14-22) (20 obs. Nov. 12-23) T = 1974 June 15.305 1974 Sept. 17.667 ET Peri. = 146.615 155.616 Node = 225.407 225.443 1950.0 Incl. = 60.850 60.756 q = 5.95564 6.0429 AU 1974/75 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 Dec. 9 1 26.78 +26 51.2 19 1 26.56 +25 27.2 5.499 6.077 18.5 29 1 27.47 +24 10.8 Jan. 8 1 29.48 +23 03.2 5.809 6.094 18.7 18 1 32.50 +22 04.9 28 1 36.45 +21 15.7 6.152 6.113 18.8 Feb. 7 1 41.21 +20 35.2 17 1 46.69 +20 02.4 6.490 6.136 18.9 27 1 52.78 +19 36.6 Mar. 9 1 59.36 +19 16.6 6.790 6.162 19.1 19 2 06.36 +19 01.3 29 2 13.67 +18 49.7 7.029 6.190 19.2 m2 = 7.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r COMET BENNETT (1974h) The following precise positions have been reported: 1974 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Nov. 18.53889 11 18 39.47 -38 14 50.6 Giclas 22.71198 11 21 54.06 -43 12 12.5 10-10.5 Herald 24.70104 11 24 33.86 -46 21 48.8 10-10.5 " 24.72604 11 24 36.03 -46 23 56.6 " H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory). Measurer: Mary Lou Kantz. Comet very diffuse; located only 12o above the horizon. D. Herald (Woden, near Canberra). Comet very diffuse, with no condensation but a slight hint of tail. The following total visual magnitude estimates have been reported: Nov. 14.81, 8 (M. P. Candy, Perth Observatory, 10-cm finder); 17.65, 10.6 (A. F. Jones, Nelson, New Zealand, 32-cm reflector); 19.63, 10.7 (Jones); 19.85, 11.5 (T. Seki, Geisei Station). COMET KOHOUTEK (1973e) Dr. L. Kohoutek, Hamburg Observatory, provides the following precise positions. Measurer: M. Dieckvoss. 1974 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mar. 21.83194 9 05 49.82 +45 55 42.1 21.84097 9 05 46.30 +45 56 05.9 26.86042 8 34 33.08 +48 57 03.6 Apr. 3.84444 7 50 22.28 +51 52 36.0 3.85278 7 50 19.88 +51 52 43.7 19.83802 6 48 44.12 +54 00 18.1 19.84583 6 48 42.92 +54 00 19.1 26.87431 6 31 14.00 +54 19 55.0 May 28.94549 5 49 07.71 +55 38 08.9 Aug. 27.06314 2 04 21.66 +68 28 39.8 1974 December 3 (2726) Brian G. Marsden
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