Circular No. 2738 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS SUPERNOVA IN NGC 2207 Mr. J. R. Dunlap, Corralitos Observatory, Northwestern University, reports that a supernova has been discovered by Yvonne Dunlap and himself 59" east and 55" north of the nucleus of NGC 2207 (R.A. = 6h14m.3, Decl. = -21o21', equinox 1950.0). On Jan. 15.323 UT the photovisual magnitude was 14.4, and the object was not detected on Jan. 6. It is just possible that the supernova is instead in the galaxy IC 2163, which is located about 6s east of NGC 2207. 1973 EC The following improved orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from 40 observations 1973 Mar. 10 to Nov. 21: T = 1975 Jan. 15.2892 ET Epoch = 1975 Jan. 28.0 ET Peri. = 337.9642 e = 0.256065 Node = 245.8576 1950.0 a = 1.430567 AU Incl. = 8.7002 n = 0.5760254 q = 1.064249 AU P = 1.711 years 1975/76 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. Mar. 9 20 37.05 -15 43.3 1.717 1.149 18.8 19 21 10.21 -12 36.7 29 21 41.20 - 9 21.1 1.734 1.214 18.9 Apr. 8 22 10.28 - 6 01.7 18 22 37.67 - 2 42.5 1.736 1.287 19.0 28 23 03.60 + 0 33.3 May 8 23 28.26 + 3 43.3 1.716 1.363 19.2 18 23 51.79 + 6 45.8 28 0 14.30 + 9 39.4 1.670 1.438 19.3 June 7 0 35.87 +12 23.0 17 0 56.50 +14 55.9 1.595 1.509 19.3 27 1 16.15 +17 17.4 July 7 1 34.75 +19 27.1 1.492 1.574 19.2 17 1 52.09 +21 24.6 27 2 07.95 +23 09.3 1.362 1.632 19.1 Aug. 6 2 21.98 +24 41.0 16 2 33.70 +25 58.5 1.212 1.681 18.9 26 2 42.53 +27 00.6 Sept. 5 2 47.79 +27 45.0 1.056 1.723 18.5 15 2 48.67 +28 07.2 25 2 44.59 +28 01.4 0.914 1.755 18.1 Oct. 5 2 35.31 +27 19.6 15 2 21.51 +25 55.2 0.819 1.778 17.6 25 2 05.09 +23 48.6 Nov. 4 1 48.70 +21 12.1 0.810 1.792 17.5 14 1 34.99 +18 28.0 24 1 25.64 +15 59.4 0.899 1.797 18.0 Dec. 4 1 21.17 +14 00.9 14 1 21.37 +12 38.3 1.060 1.792 18.5 24 1 25.63 +11 49.9 Jan. 3 1 33.28 +11 31.1 1.256 1.778 19.0 13 1 43.74 +11 36.5 23 1 56.51 +12 00.4 1.460 1.754 19.3 Feb. 2 2 11.22 +12 38.1 12 2 27.63 +13 25.3 1.652 1.722 19.6 22 2 45.52 +14 18.3 Mar. 3 3 04.75 +15 13.7 1.821 1.680 19.7 13 3 25.24 +16 08.7 23 3 46.89 +17 00.3 1.958 1.630 19.7 Apr. 2 4 09.69 +17 46.2 12 4 33.57 +18 23.8 2.060 1.572 19.7 22 4 58.49 +18 50.9 May 2 5 24.42 +19 05.3 2.126 1.507 19.6 Mag. = 16.5 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle) OBSERVATIONS OF COMETS The following precise positions of periodic comets Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, Reinmuth 2 (1973g), Borrelly (1973m), Forbes (1974a) and Finlay (1974d) were obtained by C. Y. Shao, R. E. McCrosky and G. Schwartz with the 155-cm reflector at the Agassiz Station of the Harvard College Observatory. Measurers: Shao and J. H. Bulger. Comet 1974 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 P/S-W 1 Sept.15.27817 23 16 08.33 + 2 02 35.4 Oct. 14.11951 23 04 15.95 + 1 00 01.3 16.5 14.13778 23 04 15.61 + 0 59 59.3 Nov. 13.98222 22 59 31.58 + 0 23 06.1 17.15014 22 59 38.93 + 0 22 28.8 1973g Dec. 16.02889 2 51 07.62 +25 25 45.1 1973m Nov. 10.40640 12 56 32.32 +20 11 54.2 1974a Oct. 12.17475 23 11 57.77 - 8 53 35.5 18.15046 23 11 12.41 - 8 31 48.0 1974d Nov. 11.30249 8 44 30.95 +22 08 01.8 1975 January 16 (2738) Brian G. Marsden
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