Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2785: 1975e; Obs OF COMETS; 1975c; 1975b; 1969 II

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2785
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Apr. 12.13206     9 15 22.25   +23 38 47.1          McCrosky
          15.06175     9 15 53.01   +23 31 56.8            "
          29.11637     9 20 28.58   +22 49 36.6          Shao
          29.93682     9 20 50.34   +22 46 36.2   16.0   South
          30.09493     9 20 55.23   +22 46 06.7          Schwartz
     May   2.80082     9 22 13.53   +22 36 08.4 16-16.5  Chernykh
           4.19913     9 22 56.52   +22 30 47.7          Roemer
           4.22188     9 22 57.23   +22 30 42.2            "
           4.80741     9 23 15.83   +22 28 24.0          Chernykh
           7.83018     9 24 56.28   +22 16 16.2            "
          10.80917     9 26 43.33   +22 03 43.8            "
          11.81035     9 27 20.99   +21 59 22.9            "
          14.81834     9 29 18.48   +21 45 59.4            "

R. E. McCrosky, C. Y. Shao, G. Schwartz and J. H. Bulger (Harvard
   College Observatory, Agassiz Station).  41-cm astrograph on Apr.
   12 and 15, 155-cm reflector on Apr. 29 and 30.  Effective time
   of exposure uncertain on Apr. 29; images strongly affected by
   (instrumental) coma on Apr. 30.  Measurer: Shao.
R. H. S. South and R. L. Waterfield (Woolston Observatory).  15-cm
   f/4.5 refractor.  Slightly diffuse central coma 20" in diameter.
   Measurer: Waterfield.
N. S. Chernykh (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory).  Comet faint
   and diffuse, circular, with condensation.  Reduced at I.T.A.,
   Leningrad.  Communicated by N. A. Bokhan.
E. Roemer and L. M. Vaughn (University of Arizona).  Steward Observatory
   229-cm reflector, Kitt Peak.  Measurer: Carolyn McCarthy.

     The following precise positions of comets P/Borrelly (1973m)
and van den Bergh (1974g) have been obtained by R. E. McCrosky et
al. with the 155-cm reflector at Harvard's Agassiz Station:

     Comet   1974/75 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.
     1973m   Dec. 23.40516    13 58 56.65   +18 12 55.9
     1974g   Mar.  4.01896     1  5 53.28   +19 28 58.1

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Apr.  3.87102     6 09 36.37   +20 12 44.3   15.5   Sykes
     May   5.14931     7 30 40.13   +17 58 58.6          Roemer
           5.18073     7 30 44.78   +17 58 46.8            "

D. E. Sykes (Woolston Observatory).  15-cm f/4.5 refractor.  Very
   heavily condensed central coma 10" in diameter, faint outer coma
   1' in diameter.  Measurer: R. L. Waterfield.
E. Roemer and M. A. Daniel (University of Arizona).  Steward
   Observatory 229-cm reflector, Kitt Peak.  Comet image overexposed;
   considerably brighter than expected.  Measurer: Carolyn McCarthy.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Mar. 10.19896     3 13 43.63   +21 25 27.6    Hestir
     May   9.15972     6 34 51.07   +40 13 03.4    Roemer
          17.15833     7 04 41.96   +40 41 45.3      "
          17.18067     7 04 46.90   +40 41 47.3      "

K. Hestir (Joint Observatory for Cometary Research).  37-cm f/2
   Schmidt camera.  Measurer: R. S. Harrington.
E. Roemer (University of Arizona).  Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
   154-cm reflector on May 9, Steward Observatory reflector (with
   L. M. Vaughn assisting) on May 17.  Measurer: Carolyn McCarthy.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Mar. 21.75208    12 44 37.09   +10 07 43.8   14     Seki
     May  10.89115    12 12 32.86   +10 56 06.4   15.5   Mrkos
          10.90608    12 12 32.65   +10 56 04.4          Petrovicova
          13.86126    12 11 48.09   +10 45 39.0   16.0   Mrkos
          14.85976    12 11 35.44   +10 41 54.6   15.5     "
          14.87417    12 11 35.27   +10 41 48.7            "

T. Seki (Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station).  From Orient. Astron.
   Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 101.
A. Mrkos and Ruzena Petrovicova (Klet Observatory).

1975 June 2                    (2785)              Brian G. Marsden

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