Circular No. 2801 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS NOVA SCUTI 1975 Further prediscovery observations have been reported: 1975 UT mpv Observer 1975 UT mpv Observer Apr. 8.79 [ 9.6 Kuwano June 1.02 8.3 Jacques 21.35 [ 8.5 Bortle 1.61 8.8 Kuwano May 1.98 [12 Huth 1.99 9.0 Huth 6.74 9.3 Kuwano 8.02 7.8 Jacques 10.30 7.0 Bortle 9.01 7.4 " 11.72 7.3 Kuwano 9.71 7.4 Kuwano 12.73 6.9 Honda 10.65 7.4 " 14.00 9.1 Huth 10.97 7.3 Jacques 19.72 7.4 Honda 11.97 7.2 " 22.77 7.3 " 14.70 8.8 Kuwano Y. Kuwano (Hita) and M. Honda (Kurashiki). Tri-X film. J. E. Bortle (Brooks Observatory). Tri-X film. H. Huth (Sonneberg ). Magnitudes are photographic. N. Jacques (British Sky Patrol). Reduced by G. N. Hurst. G. M. Uiterwaal and A. N. van Genderen, Leiden Observatory Southern Station, provide the following preliminary photoelectric observations, obtained with the 90-cm light collector: 1975 UT V B - V 1975 UT V B - V 1975 UT V B - V June 21 8.42 +0.33 June 28 9.77 +0.07 July 4 9.64 +0.08 24 7.93 +0.29 29 9.65 +0.17 5 8.95 +0.18 26 8.96 +0.14 30 9.68 +0.07 7 9.42 +0.10 27 9.71 +0.08 July 2 9.32 +0.13 They mention changes of 0.1 magnitude in a few hours to 0.5 magnitude in 1 day and add that the object is probably a slow nova. P. A. Wehinger and S. Wyckoff, Wise Observatory, write: "An image-tube spectrogram (dispersion 240 A/mm) obtained with the 100-cm reflector on July 9.0 UT displays strong emission bands (total widths ~ 2000 km/s) of H-alpha through H-epsilon, accompanied by two absorption line systems with displacements of -3000 and -1500 km/s relative to the emission line centers. Also present were the 4640 A feature, [O III] 5007 A, [N II] 5755 A and N II 5680 A moderately, and [O I] 6300 and 6364 A, Fe II (multiplet 42) and O I 7771 and 8446 A weakly. There was also a strong blue continuum. The nova is probably about 2 to 3 magnitudes below maximum light in the Orion phase." 1975 July 18 (2801) Brian G. Marsden
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