Circular No. 2815 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET KOBAYASHI-BERGER-MILON (1975h) Dr. A. C. Danks, Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, writes: "The following molecular bands have been identified in a spectrogram of comet 1975h obtained with the coude scanner of the 210-cm telescope at the McDonald Observatory on July 28. The spectrograph slit was 7" x 42" centered on the nucleus. The spectral resolution was 8 A; the scan duration was 5 min and covered the spectral region 3000-6000 A. The emissions are: OH (0,0) 3095.6 A; OH (1,1) 3153.2 A; NH (0,0) 3358.9 A; CN (0,0) 3883 A; C3 4050 A band; CN (0,1) 4216 A; CH (0,0) 4280.7 A; C2 Delta-v = +2, +1, 0, -1 and -2 at 4383, 4131, 5165, 5635 and 5961.5 A, respectively; NH2 (0,11,0), (0,10,0) and (0,9,0) at 5538, 5100 and 6000 A, respectively. Two weak unidentified bands were seen at 4841 and 4964 A. The observations and identifications were made by A. Danks, A. Grauer, L. Trafton, R. Tull and J. Woodman." The following precise positions have been reported: 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer July 15.64314 20 37 42.82 +21 55 16.6 6.5 Kurosaki 15.85841 20 35 19.12 +22 45 49.3 6 Chernykh 15.81896 20 35 05.11 +22 50 43.8 " 11.64093 20 12 12.62 +30 12 36.5 Kurosaki 11.66038 20 11 55.32 +30 17 40.8 " 25.94065 16 32 20.22 +58 06 16.2 8.0 Debehogne 25.98226 16 30 54.30 +58 08 36.1 " 21.99336 15 25 45.85 +58 51 44.9 8.0 " 28.01466 15 25 07.11 +58 51 30.0 Milet 28.02245 15 24 53.13 +58 51 26.7 Debehogne 28.03024 15 24 40.26 +58 51 21.4 Milet 28.96145 14 58 20.14 +58 32 39.5 7.5 Debehogne 28.99168 14 51 41.79 +58 31 54.4 " 29.93813 14 34 08.52 +51 56 54.7 " 29.98190 14 32 59.81 +51 54 43.4 " 30.85410 14 14 01.92 +51 13 08.1 Milet 30.81591 14 13 40.95 +51 11 51.3 " 30.91094 14 12 58.12 +51 10 07.6 Debehogne 30.93941 14 12 23.62 +57 08 34.2 " Aug. 1.91635 13 31 41.51 +55 15 46.8 " 1.95029 13 31 10.80 +55 13 42.4 " 2.88488 13 23 58.09 +54 11 34.6 " 2.91812 13 23 31.94 +54 15 29.6 " 3.86846 13 11 46.11 +53 18 38.6 Milet 3.88651 13 11 34.14 +53 17 33.1 " T. Kurosaki (Utsunomiya). 20-cm f/6.2 reflector. From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 109. N. S. Chernykh (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory). Reduced at I.T.A., Leningrad. Communicated by G. R. Kastel'. H. Debehogne (Royal Observatory, Uccle). 40-cm f/5 double astrograph. Measurers: Debehogne and G. Roland. B. Milet (Nice Observatory). 40-cm double astrograph. The following continuation to the ephemeris is from the orbital elements on IAUC 2813: 1975 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Aug. 26 11 16.34 +36 54.3 0.955 0.503 4.4 31 11 01.18 +32 57.9 Sept. 5 10 48.01 +28 11.6 1.168 0.426 4.1 10 10 38.20 +22 39.8 15 10 31.99 +16 45.3 1.320 0.494 5.0 20 10 28.80 +10 50.1 25 10 27.71 + 5 05.6 1.416 0.653 6.4 30 10 21.93 - 0 24.8 Oct. 5 10 28.95 - 5 41.3 1.483 0.837 7.6 10 10 30.37 -10 44.8 15 10 31.95 -15 36.7 1.542 1.022 8.5 20 10 33.49 -20 18.1 25 10 34.84 -24 49.8 1.598 1.204 9.3 30 10 35.85 -29 12.4 Nov. 4 10 36.38 -33 26.3 1.658 1.319 10.0 9 10 36.21 -31 31.3 14 10 35.35 -41 21.3 1.723 1.548 10.6 19 10 33.43 -45 13.9 24 10 30.31 -48 50.4 1.796 1.712 11.1 Further selected total visual magnitude estimates, coma diameters and tail information: Aug. 1.94 UT, 4.8, 10', 60' in p.a. 95o-110o (G. E. D. Alcock, Peterborough, England, 25 x 105 binoculars); 2.95, 4.8, 6', 60' in 85o (N. A. v.d. Mey, Soesterberg, The Netherlands, 8 x 30 binoculars); 3.95, 4.5, 10', ~ 10' (K. Andersson and T. Jurisoo (Stockholm, Sweden, 12 x 80 binoculars); 4.2, 4.7, -, 60' (R. Keen, Boulder, Colorado, 6 x 30 binoculars); 1.11, 4.9, 13', 270' (C. Morris, West Lafayette, Indiana, 8 x 52 elbow telescope); 8.14, 4.9, 10', 180' (Morris); 9.1, 4.7, 9', 255' in 70o (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 10 x 50 binoculars); 10.1, 4.8, 9', 285' in 67o (Bortle); 11.19, 4.0, -, 360' (N. J. Mayo and J. Truxton, Agoura, California, 7 x 35 binoculars). 1975 August 13 (2815) Brian G. Marsden
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