Circular No. 2840 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS NOVA MONOCEROTIS 1975 (= A0620-00) L. Searle, Hale Observatories, communicates: "J. B. Oke and J. L. Greenstein, using the multichannel spectrometer on the 508-cm Hale telescope, find the x-ray nova to have essentially a flat spectrum, f_nu = 1.0 x 10**-24 erg s**-1 cm**-2 Hz**-1 over the range log nu = 14.45-15.00. The observations were made on Aug. 31.5, Sept. 1.5, 3.5 and 4.5 UT, and the apparent visual magnitude was 11.35 on all four nights. The continuum can be derived from a very hot source, in which case the visual interstellar absorption is 1.3 magnitudes. The diffuse interstellar band 4430 A may be present. Very weak emission lines H-alpha, H-beta, H-gamma, H-delta, H-epsilon, He II 4686 A and perhaps O III 3444 A are present. The radio, optical and x-ray fluxes are all approximately the same." R. Kirshner, Kitt Peak National Observatory, communicates the following photoelectric observations by H. French: Sept. 9 UT, V = 11.47 +/- 0.08, B-V = +0.24 +/- 0.02, U-B = -0.79 +/- 0.02; Sept. 10, V = 11.46, B-V = +0.27, U-B = -0.78. K. Locher, Grut-Wetzikon, Switzerland, sends further visual magnitudes: Sept. 8.14, 11.4; 9.15, 11.5; 13.10, 11.4; 14.10, 11.6. NOVA SCUTI 1975 P. Pesch, Warner and Swasey Observatory, communicates the following remarks by P. Chen on image-tube spectrograms (dispersion 100 A/mm) taken with the 91-cm telescope on Sept. 22.08 UT: "The nova is now in the final nebular stage (~ 5 magnitudes below and after maximum in McLaughlin's description). The 4959, 5007 A features are strong and distinct; the profiles are almost square with width ~ 30 A (~ 2000 km/s). H-beta has also narrowed down to a square profile of width ~ 2000 km/s. H-gamma + [O III] 4363 A is strong with a total width of ~ 50 A (~ 3000 km/s)." Further selected visual magnitude estimates: Aug. 29.0, 10.3 (R. Lukas, Wilhelm Foerster Observatory); Sept. 2.81, 10.5 (M. Kiehl, Wilhelm Foerster Observatory); 4.05, 11.2 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory); 7.84, 10.6 (Kiehl); 11.04, 11.2 (Bortle); 13.9, 10.4 (Lukas); 15.05, 11.1 (Bortle); 15.14, 11.4 (C. Sherrod, North Little Rock, Arkansas); 18.14, 11.4 (Sherrod). 1975 September 25 (2840) Brian G. Marsden
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