Circular No. 2883 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS SUPERNOVAE IN ANONYMOUS GALAXIES B. Szeidl, Konkoly Observatory, cables that M. Lovas has discovered a supernova 2" east and 21" north of the nucleus of a galaxy located at R.A. = 1h37m.0, Decl. = +32o03' (equinox 1950.0). On Dec. 7 the photographic magnitude was 15.0. A telegram from the Hale Observatories announces a discovery, by C. T. Kowal, of a supernova 10" west and 4" north of the nucleus of a galaxy at a position R.A. = 1h00m.9, Decl. = +31o46' (equinox 1950.0). The photovisual magnitude was 15.5 on Nov. 9.36 UT and 16.5 on Nov. 26. COMET SATO (1975q) K. Osawa, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, communicates the following precise positions, obtained by T. Seki (Kochi). 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Dec. 9.80104 12 17 45.0 + 9 42 50 9 10.83347 12 18 32.39 + 6 26 23.8 10.86021 12 18 33.59 + 6 20 59.7 9 On Dec. 10 the comet had a tail 15' long in position angle 270o. The following two sets of orbital elements, by I. Hasegawa and Z. Sekanina, respectively, are both very uncertain. The ephemeris is from the second set. T = 1976 Jan. 2.2 ET T = 1976 Jan. 3.95 ET Peri. = 213 Peri. = 215.5 Node = 277 1950.0 Node = 280.7 1950.0 Incl. = 108 Incl. = 94.3 q = 0.87 AU q = 0.864 AU 1975 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 12 12 19.5 + 2 14 14 12 21.7 - 6 24 0.332 0.945 8.4 16 12 24.5 -17 01 18 12 28.5 -29 28 0.284 0.918 7.9 20 12 34.3 -42 52 The first set of elements gives corrections of 0m, -0o.7 to the Dec. 12 ephemeris place and +6m, -12o.9 to the Dec. 18 place. 1975 December 11 (2883) Zdenek Sekanina
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