Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2926: V1500 Cyg; 1976c; 1976d; 1975m

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                                                  Circular No. 2926
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     A. A. Schoenmaker, Leiden Observatory, reports that an exposure
(103a-O emulsion) on Mar. 5 shows this nova to be surrounded
by a circular nebulosity about 10" across.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m2    Observer
     Feb. 25.19387    11 01 24.66   -42 45 08.9          Schuster
          25.23542    11 01 21.96   -42 45 12.2            "
     Mar.  3.16921    10 53 50.22   -42 49 04.1            "
           3.18929    10 53 49.01   -42 49 04.6            "
           4.07645    10 52 50.61   -42 49 01.6            "
           4.10762    10 52 48.94   -42 49 00.9            "
           5.07373    10 51 45.23   -42 48 47.8            "
           5.10142    10 51 43.58   -42 48 48.1            "
           6.54247    10 50 08.95   -42 48 13.9   17     Gilmore
           6.58823    10 50 05.93   -42 48 13.4            "

H.-E. Schuster (European Southern Observatory).  Measured on S3000
   automatic measuring machine.  Communicated by R. M. West.
A. C. Gilmore (Carter Observatory).  Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin.

     E. Roemer writes that on Mar. 5 m2 ~ 17.5 (cf. IAUC 2924); the
narrow tail extended 0'.1 north-northeast of the condensation.

     The following orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, are somewhat
uncertain (particularly T and Peri.) but suggest that the comet has the
largest perihelion distance on record (exceeding that of 1974 XII):

       T = 1975 Apr. 25.29 ET    Peri. = 201.90
                                 Node  =  22.79   1950.0
       q = 7.1595 AU             Incl. = 112.66

     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Mar.  3    10 54.01    -42 49.1    6.756   7.435   17.4
          13    10 43.11    -42 41.9
          23    10 32.58    -42 20.3    6.751   7.470   17.4
     Apr.  2    10 22.82    -41 46.4
          12    10 14.15    -41 03.1    6.854   7.507   17.4
          22    10 06.77    -40 13.9
     May   2    10 00.79    -39 22.1    7.051   7.546   17.5
          12     9 56.22    -38 30.8
          22     9 52.97    -37 42.8    7.311   7.587   17.6

               m2 = 4.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     The following precise positions have been obtained at the
Perth Observatory, Bickley, by M. P. Candy and C. Jekabsons:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Mar.  4.86875    21 50 50.96   -48 18 34.2    9     Candy
           5.86684    22 12 24.93   -49 20 56.0    9       "
           7.86929    23 02 47.70   -50 35 16.6    9       "
           7.87986    23 03 05.22   -50 35 23.8            "
           8.49149    23 19 59.61   -50 39 38.1    9       "
          10.49375     0 17 36.66   -49 38 48.7    9     Jekabsons

     The following parabolic elements, by B. G. Marsden, satisfy
these positions within ~ 2":

       T = 1976 Feb. 25.060 ET   Peri. = 221.760
                                 Node  =  69.506   1950.0
       q = 0.67829 AU            Incl. = 147.772

     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Mar. 13     1 25.58    -45 41.2
          15     2 10.27    -40 59.8    0.544   0.783    9.1
          17     2 45.49    -35 45.6
          19     3 12.68    -30 34.5    0.610   0.825    9.6
          21     3 33.73    -25 46.9
          23     3 50.22    -21 30.9    0.710   0.873   10.2
          25     4 03.39    -17 47.3
          27     4 14.09    -14 33.4    0.831   0.923   10.8
          29     4 22.96    -11 45.6
          31     4 30.42    - 9 19.8    0.963   0.977   11.3
     Apr.  2     4 36.81    - 7 12.6
           4     4 42.36    - 5 20.9    1.100   1.032   11.8

               m1 = 11.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     The following precise position, obtained by T. Seki at the
Geisei Station, is from Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 119:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1
     Jan. 12.77021    10 02 04.70   +35 18 44.5    18

1976 March 15                  (2926)              Brian G. Marsden

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