Circular No. 2930 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET WEST (1975n) Further observations of separations, position angles and magnitude differences (cf. IAUC 2927) for the additional nuclei: Nucleus B. Mar. 13.56 UT, 7", 340o, 1.5 (J. Young and R. Newburn, Table Mountain Observatory, micrometric and photographic); 17.4, (60"), 325o, 0 (P. Maley, Houston, Texas); 18.4, 12", 323o, 1 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory). Nucleus C. Mar. 13.56 UT, 5", 295o, 0.2 (Young and Newburn); 17.4, (30"), 294o, 2 (Maley); 18.4, 8", 295o, 0.7 (Bortle). Nucleus D. Mar. 13.56 UT, 3"-4", 0o, 2.0. (Young and Newburn); 17.4, (30"), 342o, 1 (Maley); 18.4, 6", 333o, 2 (Bortle). Z. Sekanina, Center for Astrophysics, finds that the reported positions of the companions seem to indicate the following sequence of splitting: nucleus B separated from nucleus A on Feb. 22 under a relative deceleration of 5 x 10**-5 units of solar attraction; nucleus D probably separated from B on Feb. 25 under an acceleration of 3 x 10**-5 (or, less probably, from A around Feb. 17 under a deceleration of 2 x 10**-5); and nucleus C, which may be short lived, separated from A on Mar. 5 under a deceleration of 40 x 10**-5. Predicted separations and position angles (relative to nucleus A) follow: 1976 ET Nucleus B Nucleus C Nucleus D Mar. 13 8" 334o 3" 297o 4" 348o 23 14 320 13 292 6 330 Apr. 2 20 314 25 289 8 323 12 26 309 38 286 11 318 22 31 305 50 283 13 314 3C 120 G. Wlerick, Observatoire de Meudon, communicates the following photoelectric observations of the optical counterpart of the variable radio source 3C 120 = PKS 0430+05, obtained by R. Gamier, B. Westerlund and himself at the European Southern Observatory. The object is fainter than was previously recorded. Diaphragm 15".5 Diaphragm 62" 1976 V B-V U-B V B-V U-B Jan. 31 15.01 +0.61 -0.75 14.37 +0.74 -0.47 Feb. 6 15.05 +0.67 -0.77 14.37 +0.78 -0.39 1976 March 19 (2930) Brian G. Marsden
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