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IAUC 2937: 1975n

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                                                  Circular No. 2937
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

COMET WEST (1975n)
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Mar. 10.20030    21 28 04.77   + 8 38 06.4          Codina
          10.21002    21 28 03.41   + 8 38 31.5            "
          10.85521    21 25 55.12   + 8 53 13.8    1.5   Seki
          11.21634    21 24 45.23   + 9 01 19.2          Mundet
          12.84583    21 20 01.9    + 9 34 11      1.5   Seki
          13.21844    21 19 02.44   + 9 41 05.9          Mundet
          15.20373    21 14 14.64   +10 15 14.2          Codina
          15.21397    21 14 13.23   +10 15 24.2            "
          18.15405    21 08 17.61   +10 58 53.8          Milet
          18.15624    21 08 17.32   +10 58 55.7            "
          19.19042    21 06 28.37   +11 12 43.4          Torras
          19.20847    21 06 26.16   +11 12 59.7            "
          20.1611     21 04 50.93   +11 25 13.1          Surawski
          22.51892    21 01 14.37   +11 53 53.6          Giclas
          22.52309    21 01 14.12   +11 53 54.3            "
          23.15993    21 00 20.20   +12 01 13.0          Milet
          23.17410    21 00 18.95   +12 01 21.4            "
          25.15281    20 57 38.87   +12 23 23.1            "
          25.15443    20 57 38.66   +12 23 23.8            "
          30.51811    20 51 05.34   +13 18 51.2          Giclas

J. M. Codina, J. M. Mundet and N. Torras (Fabra Observatory, Barcelona).
   Evidently nucleus A and/or D.
T. Seki (Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station).  Nucleus A and/or D.
   From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 124.
B. Milet (Nice Observatory).  Nucleus A and/or D on Mar. 18 and 23,
   apparently just nucleus A on Mar. 25.
U. Surawski and U. Hopp (Wilhelm Foerster Observatory, Berlin).
   Probably nucleus A.  Communicated by A. Kunert.
H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory).  Measurer: M. L. Kantz.  Nucleus
   B on Mar. 22, nucleus D on Mar. 30.

     Further photographic observations of the separations and position
angles of the additional nuclei (relative to nucleus A):

Nucleus B.  Mar. 25.50 UT, 17".0, 319o (S. Murrell and C. Knuckles,
   New Mexico State University; measured by E. J. Reese); 28.44,
   19", 316o (D. A. Ketelsen, University of Iowa); 28.52, 19".6, 315o
   (Murrell et al.); 31.48, 21".1, 315o (Murrell et al.); Apr. 1.48,
   21".8, 314o (Murrell et al.); 2.45, 22".1, 314o (Ketelsen); 2.52,
   22".2, 314o (Murrell et al.); 5.42, 25".9, 314o (Ketelsen).

Nucleus C.  Mar. 25.50 UT, 17".2, 292o (Murrell et al.).

Nucleus D.  Mar. 25.50 UT, 7".9, 333o (Murrell et al.); 28.44, 8".7,
   326o (Ketelsen); 28.52, 8".8, 333o (Murrell et al.); 31.48, 9".4,
   332o (Murrell et al.); Apr  1.48, 9".9, 329o (Murrell et al.);
   2.45, 10".0, 324o (Ketelsen); 2.52, 10".2, 326o (Murrell et al.);
   5.42, 11".9, 3250 (Ketelsen).

     J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, reports that although nucleus B was
some 2.5 magnitudes fainter (visually) than nucleus A on Mar. 25.4
UT and completely invisible on Mar. 26.4, it was 0.8 magnitude
brighter than nucleus A on Mar. 29.4; B was 1 magnitude fainter
than A on Mar. 31.4, and 2.0-2.5 magnitudes fainter on Apr. 5.4 and
6.4.   Observations by C. Sherrod, North Little Rock, Arkansas; and
by P. Maley, Houston, Texas, on Mar. 27.4 showed B some 1.5-2.0
magnitudes fainter than A, and the above-mentioned photographic
observations indicated that the two nuclei were about equally bright
on Mar. 28.4.  The last observation of nucleus C, more than 5 magnitudes
fainter than A, was by Sherrod on Mar. 27.4.  Nucleus D seems
generally to have brightened, from 2.0-2.5 magnitudes fainter than
nucleus A on Mar. 25-26 to 1 magnitude fainter than A on Apr. 5-6
(Bortle).  Bortle also mentioned a possible additional nucleus on
Mar. 26, perhaps 0.5 magnitude fainter than nucleus D and roughly
midway in position between nucleus A and nucleus D.

     S. D. Sinvhal, Uttar Pradesh State Observatory, reports that
further observations by G. Babu (cf. IAUC 2924) showed that emission
due to CN 4210 A had disappeared by Mar. 8.0 UT; CN 3590 A was
observed from Mar. 13.0 onward but had almost disappeared by Mar.
21.0.  C2 4380 A appeared on Mar. 14.0 and was quite weak by Mar.
21.0.  C2 4740, 5160 ard 5630 A, CN 3880 A and Na were still strong
on Mar. 21 and C3 4050 A still noticeable.

     P. Bowers, University of Maryland, reports that observations
with the 91-m telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
during Mar. 25-28 showed the average flux density of the OH emission
to be 0.27 Jy at 1667 MHz and 0.19 Jy at 1665 MHz.  The 1612-MHz
line was not detected (upper limit 0.3 Jy at 3-sigma level).

     Selected recent total visual magnitude estimates and tail
information: Mar. 24.53 UT, 4.0, > 15o (M. J. Mayo and J. Truxton,
Agoura, California, 10 x 50 binoculars); 25.39, 4.2, 6o in p.a.
280o-315o (Bortle, 10 x 50 binoculars); 26.38, 4.2, 4o.5 in 280o-310o
(Bortle); 27.46, 4.5, 3o.5 in 280o (Maley, 7 x 35 binoculars);
28.37, 4.3, 5o.5 in 278o-318o (Bortle); 29.39, 4.5, 6o in 278o-310o
(Bortle); 30.52, 4o.6, 12o (Mayo and Truxton); 31.38, 4.7, 4o in
277o-310o (Bortle); Apr. 1.46, 4.6, 2o (Maley); 2.35, 4.7, 2o in
270o (S. O'Meara, Harvard Observatory, naked eye); 4.39, 4.7, 2o.5
in 280o (O'Meara); 5.37, 5.4, 5o.5 in 271o-309o (Bortle); 6.37, 5.4,
5o.5 in 275o-313o (Bortle); 7.33, 5.6, 1o.5 in 280o (O'Meara).

1976 April 8                   (2937)              Brian G. Marsden

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