Circular No. 2956 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET BRADFIELD (1976d) The following precise positions have been reported: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Mar. 5.87639 22 12 37.02 -49 21 28.6 Candy 6.67747 22 31 42.72 -50 00 39.1 Gilmore 6.68599 22 31 55.74 -50 01 01.9 " 9.53113 23 49 45.85 -50 22 56.8 Jekabsons 15.48958 2 19 41.45 -39 44 14.9 Candy 23.51562 3 53 53.17 -20 30 12.4 " M. P. Candy and P. Jekabsons (Perth Observatory, Bickley). 25-cm astrograph. Poor images on Mar. 15 and 23. Possible further borderline images on further plates until Apr. 4. A. C. Gilmore (Carter Observatory). Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin. Further visual observations have been reported as follows, but all are somewhat doubtful: Mar. 19, total magnitude 9, coma diameter ~ 4' (T. B. Tregaskis, Mt. Eliza, Victoria, 15-cm reflector); 21.10, ~ 9, - (A. Hale, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 32-cm reflector); 23.04, 10.5, 3' (J. Armstrong, Powder Springs, Georgia, 20-cm reflector); 25, near limit, ~ 7' (Tregaskis, 32-cm reflector); 25.44, 10.5, 4' (H. Takeuchi, Japan); 28.08, 11.0+, 3' (Armstrong); 29.03, [11.0, - (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 32-cm reflector). COMET BRADFIELD (1976a) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Feb. 23.39615 2 11 55.58 -30 48 51.9 Austin 27.37521 2 30 28.31 -27 35 40.8 Gilmore 27.39098 2 30 33.22 -27 34 45.1 Austin 29.35347 2 40 16.16 -25 40 03.6 Gilmore Mar. 4.54514 3 02 29.31 -20 42 36.6 Harwood 6.36116 3 12 47.86 -18 08 03.9 Gilmore 6.37016 3 12 51.04 -18 07 09.6 " 10.52083 3 38 11.43 -11 07 17.2 Jekabsons 21.43160 4 58 27.8 +13 52 06 10 Urata 21.45046 4 58 36.7 +13 54 51 " 21.45174 4 58 37.8 +13 55 05 Akiyama R. R. D. Austin (Mount John University Observatory) and A. C. Gilmore (Carter Observatory). Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin. D. Harwood and C. Jekabsons (Perth Observatory, Bickley). The Mar. 4 position is a revision of that on IAUC 2933. T. Urata (JCPM Yakiimo [not Jakiimo] Station). 20-cm reflector. M. Akiyama (Mishima, Shizuoka). Long. = -138o55'40", Lat. = +35o06'05", h = 20 m. Measurer: Urata. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 752. COMET WEST (1975n) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 Observer Mar. 23.88993 20 59 19.98 +12 09 35.9 Candy 23.89313 20 59 19.71 +12 09 37.4 " 31.88669 20 49 30.89 +13 32 10.2 Jekabsons 31.88808 20 49 30.99 +13 32 10.3 " Apr. 4.86944 20 44 57.63 +14 09 38.5 Candy 4.87309 20 44 57.38 +14 09 42.0 " 7.85434 20 41 30.30 +14 36 30.9 Jekabsons 7.86562 20 41 29.57 +14 36 35.1 " May 17.63889 19 33 06.83 +18 09 34.6 12 Tomita 17.64306 19 33 06.27 +18 09 36.0 " 19.70648 19 28 13.25 +18 07 58.0 13 " M. P. Candy and P. Jekabsons (Perth Observatory). Nucleus A. K. Tomita (Tokyo Astronomical Observatory). Nucleus A. Further photographic observations of the separations and position angles of nuclei B and D (relative to nucleus A): Nucleus B. Mar. 31.89 UT, 22".2, 314o (Jekabsons); Apr. 4.87, 23".5, 311o (Candy); 7.86, 26".2, 314o (Jekabsons); May 2.47, 42".0, 301o (H. L. Giclas, Lowell Observatory); 6.45, 43".1, 301o (W. Liller, Mt. Hopkins Observatory; measured by Z. Sekanina); 17.64, 48".5, 297o (Tomita); 19.71, 48".6, 297o (Tomita). Nucleus D. Mar. 31.89 UT, 10".1, 334o (Jekabsons); Apr. 4.87, 10".2, 324o (Candy); 7.86, 12".2, 323o (Jekabsons); May 2.47, 18".0, 312o (Giclas); 6.45, 18".9, 312o (Liller and Sekanina); 17.64, 21".5, 304o (Tomita); 19.71, 21".9, 305o (Tomita). Z. Sekanina refines and extends his predictions of the separations and position angles (cf. IAUC 2943) as follows: 1976 ET Nucleus B Nucleus D 1976 ET Nucleus B Nucleus D July 1 42"7 298o6 20"2 302o3 Sept.19 30"9 320o2 13"8 315o1 21 36.5 306.4 17.6 306.4 Oct. 9 31.2 319.8 13.5 315.1 Aug. 10 32.9 313.9 15.7 310.8 29 32.1 317.9 13.5 314.1 30 31.3 318.5 14.5 313.8 Nov. 18 33.4 315.3 13.7 312.4 Corrigenda. On IAUC 2948, last line, for 10-cm read 4-cm. On IAUC 2954, first page, line 5 from foot, for C = 14.2 read D = 14.2. 1976 June 1 (2956) Brian G. Marsden
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