Circular No. 2960 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET BRADFIFLD (1975p) The fo11owing precise positions have been obtained at the Perth Observatory, Bickley: 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Nov. 25.82431 13 05 20.98 -48 07 51.1 C. Jekabsons 25.82917 13 05 24.22 -48 07 57.5 " 28.82847 13 43 47.96 -48 59 35.2 P. Jekabsons 28.83125 13 43 50.27 -48 59 38.5 " 30.82500 14 10 39.03 -49 04 07.0 C. Jekabsons 30.82663 14 10 40.38 -49 04 05.6 " Dec. 1.83056 14 24 21.52 -48 56 18.7 D. Gans 1.83264 14 24 22.95 -48 56 18.4 " 2.82222 14 37 53.20 -48 41 46.7 M. P. Candy 2.82431 14 37 54.91 -48 41 43.7 " COMET HARLAN (1976g) H. L. Giclas, Lowell Observatory, provides the following precise positions. Measurer: M. L. Kantz. 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. June 1.17326 13 03 58.15 +39 15 58.7 1.18924 13 03 57.67 +39 15 42.0 The following parabolic elements, by the undersigned, satisfy 10 observations Apr. 27 to June 1 within 2".5: T = 1976 Nov. 3.0848 ET Peri. = 193.2473 Node = 80.7250 1950.0 q = 1.568651 AU Incl. = 38.8026 1976 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 July 1 13 04.74 +29 05.7 2.144 2.279 17.2 11 13 10.41 +25 02.9 21 13 18.39 +20 46.6 2.153 2.104 16.9 31 13 28.47 +16 19.1 Aug. 10 13 40.47 +11 42.5 2.168 1.942 16.6 20 13 54.26 + 6 58.8 30 14 09.80 + 2 10.1 2.189 1.800 16.3 Sept. 9 14 27.07 - 2 41.3 19 14 46.11 - 7 32.5 2.217 1.685 16.0 29 15 07.03 -12 20.5 Oct. 9 15 29.96 -17 01.2 2.255 1.606 15.8 19 15 55.06 -21 30.3 29 16 22.53 -25 42.5 2.307 1.570 15.8 m2 = 12.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r E. Roemer, University of Arizona, reports that exposures with the Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector on June 5 show a condensation of magnitude ~ 17.5 and asymmetric coma mainly northeastward. COMET BRADFIELD (1976a) E. Roemer provides the following positions: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 Note Apr. 4.13610 7 02 15.38 +40 46 33.4 1 26.20071 9 45.93 +50 30.2 2 26.22501 9 46.06 +50 30.1 2 May 28.27338 11 39.74 +45 08.6 ~20.3 3 Note 1. Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector, Kitt Peak. L. M. Vaughn assisted. Measurer: C. D. Vesely. Note 2. Lunar and Planetary Laboratory's 154-cm reflector, Catalina Station. Positions of inferior quality. Note 3. Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector. Vaughn assisted. Comet only moderately condensed. Position of inferior quality. A. Hale, Alamogordo, New Mexico, communicates the following total visual magnitude estimates: Apr. 5.23 UT, 10.5 (11-cm reflector); 8.23, 11.2 (32-cm reflector; moonlight interfered). 1973 NA The following measurements and remeasurements are by A. C. Gilmore and P. M. Kilmartin, Carter Observatory. The time of the first observation is still uncertain (cf. IAUC 2566). 1973 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. July 9.37190 16 08 24.55 -50 40 59.2 9.38926 16 08 11.23 -50 43 42.0 9.46877 16 07 11.20 -50 55 56.3 9.48686 16 06 57.48 -50 58 43.4 11.44200 15 45 54.05 -54 56 05.8 20.38472 14 54 09.00 -61 52 13.5 20.39896 14 54 06.04 -61 52 32.0 1976 June 11 (2960) Brian G. Marsden
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