Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2968
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     July 15.66354    20 37 30.14   +22 00 29.3    P. Jekabsons
          15.67049    20 37 25.35   +22 02 08.3      "
          27.00069    15 56 44.10   +58 46 53.0    de Vegt
          27.00947    15 56 27.17   +58 47 03.0      "
          28.90096    15 00 07.04   +58 34 35.0      "
          28.90614    14 59 58.67   +58 34 26.9      "
          29.95880    14 33 40.44   +57 55 58.2      "
          29.96434    14 33 32.44   +57 55 42.7      "
     Aug.  1.92447    13 37 33.96   +55 15 15.5      "
           1.93763    13 37 21.94   +55 14 26.1      "
           2.89375    13 23 50.92   +54 16 59.5      "
           2.89832    13 23 47.27   +54 16 42.3      "
           3.88922    13 11 32.47   +53 17 21.0      "
           3.89337    13 11 29.37   +53 17 05.0      "
           4.90177    13 00 34.08   +52 17 52.4      "
           4.91771    13 00 24.34   +52 16 55.5      "
           5.90937    12 50 55.60   +51 20 27.3      "
           5.91771    12 50 51.02   +51 19 59.3      "
           6.88785    12 42 35.15   +50 26 43.0      "
           6.89479    12 42 31.82   +50 26 20.8      "
           7.89965    12 34 50.38   +49 33 16.2      "
           9.88854    12 21 40.44   +47 54 29.6      "
           9.89410    12 21 38.36   +47 54 13.0      "
          10.88993    12 15 51.68   +47 07 39.6      "
          10.89618    12 15 49.63   +47 07 21.5      "
          11.88021    12 10 32.51   +46 23 03.4      "
          11.88646    12 10 30.61   +46 22 46.2      "
     Sept.28.87222    10 27 48.95   + 0 49 03.5    Candy
          28.87500    10 27 48.96   + 0 48 53.6      "
     Oct.  1.86562    10 28 15.54   - 2 23 51.2    P. Jekabsons
          12.85764    10 31 16.38   -13 32 19.8    Candy
          12.86042    10 31 16.40   -13 32 29.4      "
          24.84097    10 34 47.86   -24 40 39.2    C. Jekabsons
          24.84375    10 34 48.06   -24 40 49.1      "
          29.84097    10 35 49.24   -29 03 33.1    P. Jekabsons
          29.84479    10 35 49.38   -29 03 43.2      "
     Nov.  6.84028    10 36 23.41   -35 45 54.2      "
           6.84514    10 36 23.40   -35 46 10.3      "
          16.80627    10 34 23.56   -43 35 03.1    Candy
          16.81113    10 34 23.07   -43 35 14.1      "

P. Jekabsons, M. P. Candy, D. Harwood and C. Jekabsons (Perth
   Observatory, Bickley).  25-cm astrograph.
C. de Vegt, K. U. Gehlich and T. Kleine (Hamburg Observatory,
   Bergedorf).  30-cm astrograph.

     The following improved jovicentric elements (referred to the
ecliptic), by K. Aksnes, Center for Astrophysics, satisfy 15 observations
1974 Sept. 11 to 1975 Oct. 8 with a mean residual of 0".79:

       T = 1974 June 22.7309 ET   Epoch = 1974 Sept. 10.0 ET
   Peri. = 217.7900                   e =   0.147797
   Node  = 248.3393   1950.0          a =   0.074159 AU
   Incl. =  26.7012                   n =   1.50802
       q =   0.063199 AU              P = 238.7 days

In the following ephemeris dR.A. and dDecl. are the satellite's offsets
from Jupiter.  The photographic magnitude of Jupiter XIII is 21.

     1976/77 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     dR.A.   dDecl.  Delta     r
     July 21     3 35.69    +17 57.0    +2m65   -11'4   5.334   0.071
          31     3 41.69    +18 17.9    +2.30   -11.3   5.179   0.074
     Aug. 10     3 46.68    +18 36.0    +1.80   -10.1   5.020   0.077
          20     3 50.54    +18 51.2    +1.16   - 8.0   4.859   0.079
          30     3 53.16    +19 03.2    +0.40   - 5.1   4.701   0.081
     Sept. 9     3 54.45    +19 11.8    -0.45   - 1.7   4.550   0.083
          19     3 54.35    +19 16.6    -1.35   + 1.9   4.410   0.084
          29     3 52.86    +19 17.4    -2.27   + 5.6   4.284   0.085
     Oct.  9     3 50.03    +19 14.0    -3.14   + 9.0   4.178   0.086
          19     3 46.05    +19 06.4    -3.89   +11.9   4.096   0.086
          29     3 41.16    +18 54.9    -4.45   +14.2   4.042   0.085
     Nov.  8     3 35.75    +18 40.0    -4.75   +15.7   4.017   0.083
          18     3 30.23    +18 22.9    -4.74   +16.4   4.024   0.081
          28     3 25.05    +18 04.8    -4.40   +16.4   4.062   0.079
     Dec.  8     3 20.61    +17 47.5    -3.75   +15.6   4.129   0.076
          18     3 17.24    +17 32.2    -2.83   +14.0   4.222   0.073
          28     3 15.14    +17 20.3    -1.74   +11.6   4.335   0.070
     Jan.  7     3 14.40    +17 12.6    -0.58   + 8.5   4.464   0.067
          17     3 15.00    +17 09.7    +0.56   + 4.7   4.604   0.065
          27     3 16.86    +17 11.8    +1.55   + 0.6   4.748   0.063
     Feb.  6     3 19.82    +17 19.0    +2.31   - 3.4   4.894   0.063
          16     3 23.74    +17 31.2    +2.78   - 6.9   5.037   0.064
          26     3 28.53    +17 48.1    +2.96   - 9.5   5.177   0.065
     Mar.  8     3 34.08    +18 09.1    +2.89   -11.0   5.311   0.068
          18     3 40.32    +18 33.5    +2.61   -11.3   5.438   0.071

1976 July 2                    (2968)              Brian G. Marsden

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