Circular No. 3083 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 1 (1977i) This comet has been recovered on exposures obtained by C.-Y. Shao, G. Schwartz and R. E. McCrosky with the 155-cm reflector at Harvard College Observatory's Agassiz Station. Conditions were good, particularly on Apr. 17, when the comet's image was quite weak and somewhat diffuse. Measurer: Shao. 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 Observer Apr. 12.07322 7 56 53.20 +31 41 14.2 Shao 17.07012 7 59 45.54 +31 20 47.4 ~20.4 Schwartz 18.13650 8 00 26.79 +31 16 12.7 McCrosky The position is in very close agreement with the prediction by B. G. Marsden on IAUC 3015. A very similar prediction has been received from G. Schrutka, Vienna University Observatory. PERIODIC COMET GRIGG-SKJELLERUP (1977b) The following precise positions have been reported: 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 m2 Observer Apr. 22.72917 20 27 07.09 +10 38 34.1 Gilmore 22.74200 20 27 07.94 + 1 39 45.9 12.9 " May 20.68125 20 46 00.13 +25 37 57.2 15 Furuta A. C. Gilmore (Carter Observatory). Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin. T. Furuta (Tokai). From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 148. J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, provides total visual magnitude estimates and coma diameters (32-cm reflector): May 12.27 UT, 11.0, 2'.3; 13.31, 11.0, 2'.7; 14.33, 11.0, ~ 3'; 23.31, [11.5. HM SAGITTAE Amplifying the note on IAUC 3081, P. A. Feldman, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, points out that the May 9 observation had been centered on the position originally reported by Dokuchaeva et al. (IAUC 2995), which is more than 1' east-northeast of Shao's accurate position. There is thus no reason to believe the flux density of the source increased between May 9 and 17, and the source was again observed at 42 +/- 4 mJy on May 19.3 UT. However, the source does seem to have emerged (at 10.5 GHz) since last November. 1977 June 16 (3083) Brian G. Marsden
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