Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3087: MXB1916-05; (1566)

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                                                  Circular No. 3087
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     W. H. G. Lewin, J. A. Hoffman and J. Doty, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, report that they have observed 18 x-ray
bursts from MXB1916-05.  The observations were made intermittently
with the SAS-3 Observatory between June 18 and 24.  The burst
intervals were typically 4-5 hr.  The error box for the burst source
is 0.07 square degrees and contains the accurate position (35"
error radius) for the steady source 2S 1916-053 (3U 1915-05),
recently reported by Doxsey et al. (to be submitted to Nature).
Based on a 13-square-degree error box, Becker et al. (1977, Astrophys.
J. to be published; see also the third source mentioned on
IAUC 3010) have suggested that bursts observed by OSO 8 came from
3U 1915-05.  The highly improved SAS 3 position for the burst
source makes the association with the steady source almost certain,
and the source has been added to the list of sources to be observed
during the ongoing worldwide burst watch (cf. IAUC 3078).

(1566) ICARUS
     Continuation to the ephemeris by C. M. Bardwell on Minor
Planet Circ. No. 4057:

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     July  6    17 07.98    -33 40.7    0.474   1.456   17.2
          11    16 51.60    -33 34.0
          16    16 40.41    -33 21.3    0.625   1.543   18.1
          21    16 33.10    -33 07.8
          26    16 28.67    -32 55.7    0.789   1.620   18.8
          31    16 26.46    -32 45.7
     Aug.  5    16 25.94    -32 38.2    0.961   1.688   19.4
          10    16 26.82    -32 32.9
          15    16 28.81    -32 29.7    1.138   1.748   19.9
          20    16 31.73    -32 28.2
          25    16 35.42    -32 28.2    1.316   1.799   20.2
          30    16 39.77    -32 29.3
     Sept. 4    16 44.69    -32 31.3    1.493   1.844   20.6
           9    16 50.10    -32 34.0
          14    16 55.95    -32 37.0    1.666   1.881   20.8

1977 July 5                    (3087)              Brian G. Marsden

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