Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3097: 1977f; 1975o; 1976i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3097
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     C. Kowal, Hale Observatories, provides the following precise
position, obtained with the 122-cm Schmidt telescope at Palomar:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         m1
     June 13.25046    13 44 27.76   -11 45 42.5   ~17.0

     The following improved elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from 20
observations 1975 Oct. 27 to 1977 Mar. 22, perturbations included:

       T = 1977 Apr. 23.2676 ET   Epoch = 1977 Apr. 7.0 ET
   Peri. = 231.4871                   e =   0.151860
   Node  = 242.5518   1950.0          a =   4.037397 AU
   Incl. =   1.1012                   n =   0.1214932
       q =   3.424276 AU              P =   8.112 years

     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Oct.  4    10 12.76    +10 06.7    4.197   3.474   19.5
          14    10 24.26    + 8 59.5
          24    10 35.12    + 7 53.9    4.000   3.487   19.4
     Nov.  3    10 45.26    + 6 50.9
          13    10 54.55    + 5 51.7    3.759   3.501   19.3
          23    11 02.86    + 4 57.4
     Dec.  3    11 10.05    + 4 09.3    3.490   3.516   19.2
          13    11 15.96    + 3 28.7
          23    11 20.41    + 2 56.9    3.211   3.532   19.0
     Jan.  2    11 23.24    + 2 35.2
          12    11 24.33    + 2 24.7    2.952   3.549   18.9
          22    11 23.60    + 2 25.9
     Feb.  1    11 21.09    + 2 38.9    2.745   3.568   18.7
          11    11 16.97    + 3 02.8
          21    11 11.59    + 3 35.5    2.626   3.587   18.6
     Mar.  3    11 05.44    + 4 13.8
          13    10 59.11    + 4 54.1    2.620   3.607   18.7
          23    10 53.23    + 5 32.3
     Apr.  2    10 48.35    + 6 05.0    2.731   3.628   18.8
          12    10 44.85    + 6 29.7
          22    10 43.00    + 6 44.7    2.938   3.650   19.0
     May   2    10 42.86    + 6 49.6
          12    10 44.40    + 6 44.3    3.210   3.673   19.2
          22    10 47.51    + 6 29.4
     June  1    10 52.04    + 6 05.4    3.515   3.696   19.4
          11    10 57.80    + 5 33.3
          21    11 04.64    + 4 53.9    3.824   3.720   19.6
     July  1    11 12.39    + 4 08.0
          11    11 20.92    + 3 16.5    4.116   3.744   19.8
          21    11 30.11    + 2 20.0
          31    11 39.82    + 1 19.5    4.375   3.769   20.0
     Aug  10    11 50.00    + 0 15.4
          20    12 00.54    - 0 51.4    4.588   3.794   20.1

          m2 = 11.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     The following precise position was obtained by C.-Y. Shao at
Harvard College Observatory's Agassiz Station:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Feb. 19.00617     0 49 31.55   + 3 02 29.2

     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 2896:

     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Oct.  4     9 58.64    + 5 27.1    3.266   2.593   19.1
          14    10 12.22    + 4 05.3
          24    10 24.63    + 2 46.5    3.189   2.717   19.2
     Nov.  3    10 35.82    + 1 31.7
          13    10 45.68    + 0 22.4    3.066   2.840   19.3
          23    10 54.07    - 0 40.0
     Dec.  3    11 00.84    - 1 33.9    2.908   2.961   19.3
          13    11 05.84    - 2 17.8
          23    11 08.89    - 2 49.9    2.735   3.081   19.2
     Jan.  2    11 09.86    - 3 08.4
          12    11 08.68    - 3 11.9    2.575   3.198   19.0
          22    11 05.39    - 2 59.2
     Feb.  1    11 00.21    - 2 30.5    2.469   3.313   18.9
          11    10 53.52    - 1 47.0
          21    10 45.91    - 0 51.8    2.457   3.425   18.7
     Mar.  3    10 38.09    + 0 10.6
          13    10 30.75    + 1 15.3    2.565   3.535   18.9
          23    10 24.50    + 2 17.2
     Apr.  2    10 19.78    + 3 12.4    2.789   3.642   19.3
          12    10 16.79    + 3 58.2
          22    10 15.62    + 4 33.1    3.105   3.746   19.7
     May   2    10 16.18    + 4 56.9
          12    10 18.32    + 5 09.7    3.477   3.848   20.1
          22    10 21.86    + 5 12.4
     June  1    10 26.61    + 5 05.8    3.872   3.946   20.4

1977 August 25                 (3097)              Brian G. Marsden

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