Circular No. 3097 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 PERIODIC COMET KOWAL (1977f) C. Kowal, Hale Observatories, provides the following precise position, obtained with the 122-cm Schmidt telescope at Palomar: 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 June 13.25046 13 44 27.76 -11 45 42.5 ~17.0 PERIODIC COMET GEHRELS 3 (1975o) The following improved elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from 20 observations 1975 Oct. 27 to 1977 Mar. 22, perturbations included: T = 1977 Apr. 23.2676 ET Epoch = 1977 Apr. 7.0 ET Peri. = 231.4871 e = 0.151860 Node = 242.5518 1950.0 a = 4.037397 AU Incl. = 1.1012 n = 0.1214932 q = 3.424276 AU P = 8.112 years 1977/78 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 Oct. 4 10 12.76 +10 06.7 4.197 3.474 19.5 14 10 24.26 + 8 59.5 24 10 35.12 + 7 53.9 4.000 3.487 19.4 Nov. 3 10 45.26 + 6 50.9 13 10 54.55 + 5 51.7 3.759 3.501 19.3 23 11 02.86 + 4 57.4 Dec. 3 11 10.05 + 4 09.3 3.490 3.516 19.2 13 11 15.96 + 3 28.7 23 11 20.41 + 2 56.9 3.211 3.532 19.0 Jan. 2 11 23.24 + 2 35.2 12 11 24.33 + 2 24.7 2.952 3.549 18.9 22 11 23.60 + 2 25.9 Feb. 1 11 21.09 + 2 38.9 2.745 3.568 18.7 11 11 16.97 + 3 02.8 21 11 11.59 + 3 35.5 2.626 3.587 18.6 Mar. 3 11 05.44 + 4 13.8 13 10 59.11 + 4 54.1 2.620 3.607 18.7 23 10 53.23 + 5 32.3 Apr. 2 10 48.35 + 6 05.0 2.731 3.628 18.8 12 10 44.85 + 6 29.7 22 10 43.00 + 6 44.7 2.938 3.650 19.0 May 2 10 42.86 + 6 49.6 12 10 44.40 + 6 44.3 3.210 3.673 19.2 22 10 47.51 + 6 29.4 June 1 10 52.04 + 6 05.4 3.515 3.696 19.4 11 10 57.80 + 5 33.3 21 11 04.64 + 4 53.9 3.824 3.720 19.6 July 1 11 12.39 + 4 08.0 11 11 20.92 + 3 16.5 4.116 3.744 19.8 21 11 30.11 + 2 20.0 31 11 39.82 + 1 19.5 4.375 3.769 20.0 Aug 10 11 50.00 + 0 15.4 20 12 00.54 - 0 51.4 4.588 3.794 20.1 m2 = 11.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r PERIODIC COMET FAYE (1976i) The following precise position was obtained by C.-Y. Shao at Harvard College Observatory's Agassiz Station: 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Feb. 19.00617 0 49 31.55 + 3 02 29.2 Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 2896: 1977/78 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 Oct. 4 9 58.64 + 5 27.1 3.266 2.593 19.1 14 10 12.22 + 4 05.3 24 10 24.63 + 2 46.5 3.189 2.717 19.2 Nov. 3 10 35.82 + 1 31.7 13 10 45.68 + 0 22.4 3.066 2.840 19.3 23 10 54.07 - 0 40.0 Dec. 3 11 00.84 - 1 33.9 2.908 2.961 19.3 13 11 05.84 - 2 17.8 23 11 08.89 - 2 49.9 2.735 3.081 19.2 Jan. 2 11 09.86 - 3 08.4 12 11 08.68 - 3 11.9 2.575 3.198 19.0 22 11 05.39 - 2 59.2 Feb. 1 11 00.21 - 2 30.5 2.469 3.313 18.9 11 10 53.52 - 1 47.0 21 10 45.91 - 0 51.8 2.457 3.425 18.7 Mar. 3 10 38.09 + 0 10.6 13 10 30.75 + 1 15.3 2.565 3.535 18.9 23 10 24.50 + 2 17.2 Apr. 2 10 19.78 + 3 12.4 2.789 3.642 19.3 12 10 16.79 + 3 58.2 22 10 15.62 + 4 33.1 3.105 3.746 19.7 May 2 10 16.18 + 4 56.9 12 10 18.32 + 5 09.7 3.477 3.848 20.1 22 10 21.86 + 5 12.4 June 1 10 26.61 + 5 05.8 3.872 3.946 20.4 1977 August 25 (3097) Brian G. Marsden
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