Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3139: 1977l; P/ENCKE

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3139
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Sept. 4.52843     0 17 13.52   - 4 17 23.8          Lagerkvist
           7.52579     0 16 10.02   - 4 32 34.6            "
           7.54102     0 16 09.67   - 4 32 39.2            "
           8.52582     0 15 47.12   - 4 37 47.1            "
          10.55706     0 14 58.26   - 4 48 27.0            "
          10.57403     0 14 57.75   - 4 48 32.3            "
          13.92755     0 13 30.60   - 5 06 36.6   13.4   Mrkos
          13.94248     0 13 30.20   - 5 06 41.5            "
          14.50112     0 13 15.08   - 5 09 36.0          Lagerkvist
          14.56623     0 13 13.18   - 5 09 57.0            "
          14.88333     0 13 04.61   - 5 11 46.6   13.2   Mrkos
          14.89855     0 13 03.88   - 5 11 48.8            "
          15.54860     0 12 46.03   - 5 15 15.5          Lagerkvist
          16.57185     0 12 17.11   - 5 20 49.0            "
          16.66396     0 12 14.28   - 5 21 18.3            "
          16.91278     0 12 07.37   - 5 22 46.3   13.2   Vavrova
          17.46662     0 11 51.52   - 5 25 38.4          Lagerkvist
          17.71801     0 11 43.91   - 5 27 01.1            "
     Oct.  6.87315     0 02 00.01   - 7 03 01.7   13.0   Mrkos
           6.88397     0 01 59.78   - 7 03 04.1            "
           7.83484     0 01 32.21   - 7 01 01.3   13.0     "
           7.84566     0 01 31.90   - 7 01 03.0            "
           8.84368     0 01 03.57   - 7 11 08.1   12.8     "
           8.85444     0 01 03.17   - 7 11 10.6            "
           9.64688     0 00 40.73   - 7 14 16.8   13     Furuta
           9.65625     0 00 40.42   - 7 14 19.0            "
           9.87169     0 00 34.70   - 7 15 10.2   12.8   Vavrova
           9.88289     0 00 34.32   - 7 15 12.2            "
          16.87660    23 57 37.35   - 7 38 46.6   12.6   Mrkos
          16.88910    23 57 37.10   - 7 38 48.8            "
          17.48958    23 57 23.73   - 7 40 26.9   13     Seki
          17.91785    23 57 14.33   - 7 41 38.3   12.5   Mrkos
          17.92861    23 57 14.08   - 7 41 39.9            "
          18.52743    23 57 01.03   - 7 43 09.8          Furuta
          18.53854    23 57 01.01   - 7 43 13.3            "
          18.90122    23 56 53.44   - 7 44 10.8   12.5   Mrkos
          18.91256    23 56 53.24   - 7 44 12.9            "
          19.95122    23 56 32.07   - 7 46 44.1   12.5   Vavrova
          19.96233    23 56 31.92   - 7 46 45.1            "

C.-I. Lagerkvist (Uppsala Southern Station, Mount Stromlo).  Measured
   at Turin Observatory.  Communicated by V. Zappala.
A. Mrkos and Vavrova (Klet Observatory).
T. Furuta (Tokai, Oct. 9; Kagiya, Oct. 18) and T. Seki (Geisei).
   From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 154.

     Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 3128:

     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Dec. 23     0 17.92    - 4 29.3    2.385   2.606   13.0
     Jan.  2     0 28.41    - 3 08.3
          12     0 40.31    - 1 39.2    2.609   2.583   13.2
          22     0 53.42    - 0 03.7
     Feb.  1     1 07.56    + 1 36.2    2.829   2.571   13.4
          11     1 22.61    + 3 18.9
          21     1 38.43    + 5 02.7    3.036   2.569   13.5
     Mar.  3     1 54.93    + 6 46.0
          13     2 12.02    + 8 27.3    3.225   2.577   13.7
          23     2 29.61    +10 05.4
     Apr.  2     2 47.64    +11 38.8    3.392   2.596   13.8

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Aug. 30.45556    11 46 33.81   -03 28 52.7    Jekabsons
          30.46597    11 46 38.46   -03 29 32.2      "
          31.45556    11 54 00.85   -04 32 55.7    Candy
          31.46330    11 54 04.29   -04 33 26.8      "
     Sept. 1.45694    12 01 25.75   -05 35 59.1    Gans
           2.45972    12 08 48.49   -06 37 58.9    Jekabsons
           5.45694    12 30 36.54   -09 35 43.4    Candy
           7.45972    12 44 58.49   -11 27 44.7    Jekabsons
           9.46319    12 59 11.26   -13 13 54.4    Verveer
          11.45833    13 13 09.94   -14 53 31.5    Candy
          12.00096    13 16 56.26   -15 19 37.8    Schuster
          13.46736    13 27 03.68   -16 27 36.9    Jekabsons
          18.47986    14 00 47.33   -19 53 45.2    Candy
     Oct.  4.51250    15 36 54.62   -26 41 19.8    Verveer
          10.02562    16 05 15.30   -27 51 14.9    Schuster

P. Jekabsons, M. P. Candy, D. J. Gans and A. Verveer (Perth Observatory).
   The positions on IAUC 3115 are replaced here.
H.-E. Schuster (European Southern Observatory).  Measurer: Z.
   Sekanina.   On Sept. 12 a broad tail extended ~ 1'.5 in p.a. 290o
   (sunward); there was possibly a second tail, blending with a
   star trail, in p.a. 120o; coma diameter 27", sharp condensation.

1977 November 21               (3139)              Brian G. Marsden

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