Circular No. 3157 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 PERIODIC COMET SMIRNOVA-CHERNYKH (1975 VII) Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 3010: 1978 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 Feb. 21 19 57.79 -23 47.0 5.207 4.433 20.0 Mar. 3 20 08.00 -23 26.6 13 20 17.59 -23 06.7 5.021 4.453 20.0 23 20 26.42 -22 48.3 Apr. 2 20 34.42 -22 32.2 4.781 4.474 19.9 12 20 41.47 -22 19.2 22 20 47.44 -22 10.4 4.506 4.493 19.8 May 2 20 52.24 -22 06.5 12 20 55.73 -22 08.3 4.220 4.513 19.7 22 20 57.82 -22 16.2 June 1 20 58.44 -22 30.4 3.952 4.531 19.5 11 20 57.52 -22 50.7 21 20 55.10 -23 16.3 3.734 4.549 19.4 July 1 20 51.29 -23 45.8 11 20 46.30 -24 17.3 3.600 4.567 19.4 21 20 40.46 -24 48.6 31 20 34.18 -25 17.4 3.574 4.584 19.4 Aug. 10 20 27.94 -25 41.8 20 20 22.22 -26 00.4 3.665 4.600 19.4 30 20 17.44 -26 12.5 Sept. 9 20 13.91 -26 17.9 3.859 4.616 19.6 19 20 11.86 -26 17.0 29 20 11.36 -26 10.4 4.131 4.631 19.7 OCt. 9 20 12.43 -25 58.6 19 20 14.99 -25 42.2 4.445 4.645 19.9 29 20 18.92 -25 21.6 Nov. 8 20 24.10 -24 57.2 4.770 4.659 20.1 18 20 30.36 -24 29.2 28 20 37.55 -23 57.8 5.074 4.672 20.2 Dec. 8 20 45.52 -23 23.2 18 20 54.13 -22 45.7 5.334 4.684 20.3 COMET KOHLER (1977m) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Oct. 17.78056 17 21 16.42 + 9 55 30.2 Maiwald Nov. 1.73879 18 26 25.90 - 1 42 12.6 Ferreri 1.74294 18 26 27.02 - 1 42 26.6 " 7.46493 18 54 56.89 - 6 45 54.0 K. Suzuki 8.79396 19 01 49.49 - 7 57 39.3 Torras 8.81479 19 01 56.07 - 7 58 44.9 " 9.46076 19 05 18.78 - 8 33 39.6 K. Suzuki 9.46215 19 05 19.13 - 8 33 44.8 " 9.76613 19 06 54.99 - 8 50 06.2 Codina 9.79287 19 07 03.13 - 8 51 36.1 " 10.41840 19 10 21.60 - 9 25 24.9 Natori 10.73333 19 12 01.94 - 9 42 25.9 Zappala 10.77188 19 12 14.18 - 9 44 30.1 " 10.80773 19 12 25.69 - 9 46 23.3 Torras 10.82856 19 12 32.01 - 9 47 29.2 " 11.45451 19 15 52.21 -10 21 18.0 K. Suzuki 11.45590 19 15 52.78 -10 21 21.7 " 12.75206 19 22 50.78 -11 30 59.4 Codina 12.78366 19 23 01.19 -11 32 47.0 " 15.72685 19 39 07.08 -14 08 48.5 Ferreri 15.73031 19 39 08.27 -14 09 01.5 " 16.72569 19 44 39.62 -15 00 53.9 Zappala 16.73194 19 44 41.60 -15 01 12.6 " 16.75181 19 44 48.29 -15 02 12.6 Codina 16.78340 19 44 58.54 -15 03 58.4 " 17.71806 19 50 12.08 -15 52 00.8 De Sanctis 17.72292 19 50 13.69 -15 52 15.5 " 19.72604 20 01 30.59 -17 33 16.7 " 19.73507 20 01 33.62 -17 33 43.0 " 21.40694 20 11 03.73 -18 55 26.0 Urata 21.41111 20 11 05.23 -18 55 37.9 " 22.37821 20 16 37.01 -19 41 42.0 Natori 22.38186 20 16 38.25 -19 41 53.1 " 27.39190 20 45 30.65 -23 23 59.7 " 27.39282 20 45 31.03 -23 24 02.9 " 27.70932 20 47 20.76 -23 37 04.1 Ferreri 27.71278 20 47 22.18 -23 37 10.6 " 28.70793 20 53 07.73 -24 17 10.9 " 28.71139 20 53 09.03 -24 17 24.9 " 30.37500 21 02 47.15 -25 21 23.0 Urata 30.37778 21 02 48.10 -25 21 29.6 " Dec. 4.71048 21 27 46.98 -27 50 12.5 Ferreri 4.71463 21 27 48.13 -27 50 19.7 " D. Maiwald (Wilhelm Foerster Obs.) Measurer: B. Wedel et al. W. Ferreri, V. Zappala and G. De Sanctis (Pino Torinese Obs.). N. Torras and J. M. Codina (Fabra Observatory, Barcelona). K. Suzuki (JCPM Oi Station). 21-cm f/5 reflector. Measurer: T. Urata. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 922. A. Natori, T. Suzuki and Urata (JCPM Yakiimo Station). 31-cm f/5.6 reflector. Measurer: Urata. From ibid. Nos. 922 and 926. 1978 January 3 (3157) Brian G. Marsden
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