Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3207: 1978b; 1978c; 1977s

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3207
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1978 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Feb. 25.79998     5 23 30.05   +21 20 51.5   12.8   Mrkos
          25.80727     5 23 30.38   +21 20 52.6            "
          26.76317     5 24 17.63   +21 24 02.7   12.8     "
          27.76395     5 25 09.25   +21 27 22.8   12.9     "
          27.77130     5 25 09.65   +21 27 24.2            "
          28.76196     5 26 03.19   +21 30 41.0   13.0     "
          28.76792     5 26 03.49   +21 30 42.9            "
     Mar.  1.8767      5 27 05.82   +21 34 22.0          Manning
           2.76326     5 27 58.48   +21 37 21.0   13.2   Mrkos
           2.77073     5 27 58.89   +21 37 22.4            "
           3.76612     5 28 59.67   +21 40 40.8   13.0     "
           3.77064     5 29 00.01   +21 40 40.4            "
           3.93730     5 29 09.97   +21 41 15.0   13.0   Haddow
           4.76137     5 30 02.89   +21 43 59.1   13.0   Mrkos
           4.76580     5 30 03.12   +21 43 59.2            "
           4.8510      5 30 08.45   +21 44 16.2   12     Manning
           5.8465      5 31 13.69   +21 47 32.4   12       "
           5.9097      5 31 18.00   +21 47 43.6   12     Potts
           6.8528      5 32 22.63   +21 50 49.2   12     Manning
           7.83681     5 33 31.83   +21 54 01.2          Wild
           7.92865     5 33 38.42   +21 54 20.3            "
           8.56424     5 34 24.28   +21 56 23.2   13     Seki
           8.57153     5 34 24.80   +21 56 26.0            "
           9.80833     5 35 57.31   +22 00 21.7          Wild
           9.90625     5 36 04.51   +22 00 40.6            "
          10.78733     5 37 12.56   +22 03 28.1   13.0   Mrkos
          10.79190     5 37 12.89   +22 03 29.0            "
          11.78858     5 38 31.65   +22 06 36.6   13.2     "
          11.79207     5 38 32.06   +22 06 37.6            "
          11.92292     5 38 42.41   +22 07 00.7          Wild
          12.80409     5 39 54.21   +22 09 46.0   13.2   Vavrova
          12.80895     5 39 54.57   +22 09 46.4            "
          12.8875      5 40 00.98   +22 10 00.5   12     Manning
          13.82465     5 41 19.27   +22 12 54.0          Barbier

A. Mrkos and Z. Vavrova (Klet Observatory).
B. Manning (Stakenbridge).  Measurer: P. Birtwhistle.
K. A. Haddow (Woolston Observatory).  Measurer: R. L. Waterfield.
   Definite elongation and suggestion of tail toward p.a. 135o.
A. Potts (University of London Observatory).  61-cm refractor.
P. Wild (Astronomical Institute, Berne University).
T. Seki (Geisei).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 163.
R. Barbier (Haute Provence Observatory).  CNRS-Liege Schmidt.

     Total visual magnitude estimates by S. O'Meara, Harvard College
Observatory (23-cm refractor): Mar. 21.06 UT, 11.4; 31.06,
11.3; Apr. 3.02, 11.0; 10.10, 11.2 (5' fantail near p.a. 45o)

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1978 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Feb. 10.66146    19 00 44.87   -45 47 35.8    Austin
          10.66563    19 00 46.62   -45 47 20.5      "
          11.64965    19 07 13.75   -44 58 06.0      "
          11.65313    19 07 15.17   -44 57 52.9      "
          14.66215    19 26 37.62   -42 12 12.4      "
          14.66632    19 26 39.54   -42 11 59.2      "
          16.64271    19 39 05.09   -40 10 45.7      "
          25.69856    20 33 12.33   -28 49 56.6    Gilmore
          28.75833    20 50 45.72   -24 16 15.1    Herald
          28.76736    20 50 48.33   -24 15 19.1      "
     Mar.  4.78556    21 13 47.03   -17 49 02.8      "
           4.78819    21 13 47.79   -17 48 46.0      "
           5.78840    21 19 33.68   -16 08 57.8      "
           5.79063    21 19 34.34   -16 08 43.6      "
           5.79167    21 19 34.87   -16 08 37.1      "
           8.79056    21 37 07.90   -11 03 18.2      "
           8.79167    21 37 08.49   -11 03 12.4      "

R. R. D. Austin (Mount John University Observatory) and A. C.
   Gilmore (Carter Observatory).  Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin.
D. Herald (Kambah, near Canberra).  31-cm reflector.

     Total visual magnitude estimates: Mar. 25.52 UT, ~ 5.0 (P. L.
Collins, Tucson, Arizona, 11 x 80 binoculars); 29.47, ~ 5.8 (P.
Maley, Houston, Texas, 13-cm refractor; haze and twilight).

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977/78 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Dec. 17.40999    13 56 25.97   - 7 15 50.8          McCrosky
     Mar. 10.83403    15 01 07.50   - 9 26 25.4   17     Seki
          12.74792    15 01 30.8    - 9 22 02     17       "

R. E. McCrosky (Harvard College Obs.).  Measurer: J. H. Bulger.
T. Seki (Geisei).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 163.

1978 April 13                  (3207)              Brian G. Marsden

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