Circular No. 3227 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 COMET MEIER (1978f) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer May 11.55208 7 35 46.83 +50 23 06.9 11 Seki 12.46319 7 36 58.44 +50 09 44.8 Tsuchiya 12.46771 7 36 58.83 +50 09 41.6 " 12.48021 7 37 00.26 +50 09 29.7 Furuta 12.49306 7 37 00.85 +50 09 15.4 " 14.45694 7 39 38.14 +49 40 27.0 Tsuchiya 14.46563 7 39 38.65 +49 40 19.8 " 14.48472 7 39 40.40 +49 40 02.8 10.5 Urata 15.47743 7 41 00.73 +49 25 25.8 Tsuchiya 15.47986 7 41 01.14 +49 25 22.5 " 18.25139 7 44 50.27 +48 44 20.8 Balam 23.26042 7 51 57.57 +47 29 43.2 " 24.25347 7 53 23.93 +47 14 45.0 " 24.26042 7 53 24.85 +47 14 36.1 " 26.46667 7 56 39.02 +46 41 15.6 10 Urata 26.47326 7 56 39.53 +46 41 10.5 " 27.16406 7 57 40.94 +46 30 37.7 Miller T. Seki (Geisei) and T. Furuta (Kagiya). From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 166. K. Tsuchiya (Asahikawa). 20-cm f/6 reflector. Measurer: M. Takeishi. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 981. T. Urata (JCPM Yakiimo Station). From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 981. D. D. Balam (University of Victoria). 25-cm Schmidt telescope. R. D. Miller (Michigan State University Observatory). Measurer: J. D. Marche. Long. = +84o29'00", Lat. = +42o42'23", h = 274 m. The following improved parabolic elements, by the undersigned, are based on 50 observations Apr. 28 to May 27: T = 1978 Nov. 11.3913 ET Peri. = 231.4667 Node = 348.6708 1950.0 q = 1.134964 AU Incl. = 43.7444 1978 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Elong. m1 June 11 8 20.72 +42 38.6 21 8 37.13 +39 53.5 3.115 2.394 37.8 9.8 July 1 8 54.10 +36 59.3 11 9 11.55 +33 54.0 3.015 2.166 27.5 9.3 21 9 29.42 +30 35.8 31 9 47.68 +27 02.6 2.877 1.939 18.2 8.7 Aug. 10 10 06.36 +23 12.0 20 10 25.52 +19 01.8 2.706 1.717 9.8 8.0 30 10 45.26 +14 29.2 Sept. 9 11 05.77 + 9 31.7 2.513 1.510 3.8 7.3 19 11 27.29 + 4 07.0 29 11 50.19 - 1 46.6 2.317 1.329 7.1 6.6 Oct. 9 12 15.03 - 8 08.9 19 12 42.51 -14 56.4 2.143 1.196 13.2 5.9 29 13 13.66 -22 00.5 Nov. 8 13 49.75 -29 05.1 2.029 1.136 18.8 5.6 18 14 32.13 -35 45.1 28 15 21.77 -41 28.2 2.009 1.166 23.0 5.7 Dec. 8 16 18.18 -45 41.4 18 17 18.46 -48 02.9 2.098 1.277 25.0 6.2 28 18 17.83 -48 32.1 m1 = 3.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r Total visual magnitude estimates: June 2.12 UT, 10.0 (P. Maley, Houston, Texas, 15-cm refractor); 5.10, 8.8 (C. S. Morris, Prospect Hill Observatory, 20 x 80 binoculars); 6.10, 8.8 (Morris). PERIODIC COMET VAN BIESBROECK (1977s) The following precise positions have been reported: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Jan. 12.41986 14 23 33.50 - 8 56 11.7 Shao Feb. 10.77569 14 48 09.54 - 9 48 58.1 Johnson Apr. 7.68715 14 59 34.38 - 7 54 01.1 16 Furuta 7.70104 14 59 33.94 - 7 53 56.8 " May 2.42778 14 46 59.75 - 6 03 43.1 Bus C.-Y. Shao (Harvard College Observatory). Measurer: J. H. Bulger. J. Johnson (Perth Observatory, Bickley). 33-cm astrograph. T. Furuta (Tokai). From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 167. S. J. Bus and D. Zelinsky (Palomar Mountain Observatory). 4U 1630-47 M. R. Sims and M. G. Watson, X-Ray Astronomy Group, University of Leicester, report that this recurrent x-ray transient (Jones et al. 1976, Astrophys. J. 210, L9) was in outburst at a flux of ~ 0.5 times the Crab (2-18 keV) when it entered the field of view of the Ariel 5 ssi on May 27. The source was still bright at ~ 0.6 times the Crab on June 6. Optical observations, particularly of Grindlay's candidate star (IAUC 3104) are urged during this x-ray outburst. 1978 June 9 (3227) Brian G. Marsden
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