Circular No. 3239 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 1978 CA Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Mar. 3.89377 10 05 12.35 +12 47 14.8 Benishek 8.30343 9 56 23.49 +28 23 18.0 Shao V. Protitch-Benishek (Belgrade Astronomical Observatory). C.-Y. Shao (Harvard College Observatory). Measurer: J. H. Bulger. The following orbital elements, by the undersigned, are from 35 observations Feb. 8 to Mar. 12: T = 1978 June 5.1722 ET Peri. = 102.0526 e = 0.214844 Node = 160.6969 1950.0 a = 1.124854 AU Incl. = 26.1237 n = 0.8261521 q = 0.883186 AU P = 1.193 years 1978 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r B July 1 1 33.47 +50 36.8 0.463 0.909 19.2 6 1 49.67 +47 29.5 11 2 05.91 +44 11.0 0.452 0.932 19.1 16 2 22.07 +40 40.4 21 2 38.05 +36 57.3 0.440 0.960 19.1 26 2 53.73 +33 01.6 31 3 09.00 +28 53.3 0.427 0.991 19.0 Aug. 5 3 23.76 +24 32.7 10 3 37.90 +20 00.9 0.417 1.025 18.9 15 3 51.36 +15 19.3 20 4 04.07 +10 29.9 0.412 1.060 18.9 25 4 15.97 + 5 35.4 30 4 26.97 + 0 38.2 0.412 1.096 18.8 Sept. 4 4 36.97 - 4 18.6 9 4 45.90 - 9 12.0 0.419 1.131 18.8 14 4 53.66 -13 58.9 19 5 00.19 -18 36.5 0.432 1.165 18.8 24 5 05.39 -23 02.6 29 5 09.11 -27 15.0 0.452 1.197 18.9 Oct. 4 5 11.22 -31 11.6 9 5 11.62 -34 50.4 0.475 1.227 19.0 14 5 10.22 -38 09.3 19 5 06.95 -41 07.0 0.503 1.255 19.1 B = 19.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle) PERIODIC COMET WILD 2 (1978b) V. Zappala, Pino Torinese Observatory, cormmunicates the following precise positions by W. Ferreri and G. De Sanctis: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Mar. 9.81657 5 35 57.86 +22 00 24.6 Ferreri 9.84323 5 35 59.78 +22 00 29.6 " 10.79653 5 37 13.23 +22 03 32.4 " 10.82318 5 37 15.17 +22 03 37.3 " Apr. 13.80868 6 39 50.63 +23 06 47.3 De Sanctis 13.82604 6 39 52.99 +23 06 45.5 " May 2.84331 7 27 40.61 +22 31 31.9 Ferreri 2.85369 7 27 42.27 +22 31 26.1 " Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 3177: 1978 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 July 31 11 49.39 + 3 43.5 2.028 1.564 11.5 Aug. 10 12 17.59 + 0 43.0 20 12 45.26 - 2 14.0 2.186 1.637 11.8 30 13 12.40 - 5 04.0 Sept. 9 13 39.09 - 7 44.4 2.369 1.728 12.2 19 14 05.32 -10 12.9 29 14 31.14 -12 28.1 2.570 1.833 12.7 m1 = 8.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r Further total visual magnitude estimates by J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory (32-cm reflector): June 2.10 UT, 10.5; 6.09, 10.4. PERIODIC COMET GEHRELS 3 (1975o) The following precise positions have been reported: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Feb. 3.73159 11 20 05.53 + 2 44 35.3 Jekabsons 6.77639 11 18 52.11 + 2 51 36.4 " Mar. 31.83189 10 48 49.91 + 6 01 35.4 17.5 Mrkos P. Jekabsons (Perth Observatory, Bickley). 33-cm astrograph. A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory). 62.5-cm Maksutov telescope. T TAURI C. Fehrenbach and Y. Andrillat, Observatoire de Haute Provence, report that the rapid H-alpha variations mentioned on IAUC 3190 have not been confirmed. They were apparently caused by saturation of one of the intermediate electronic components in the spectrograph. 1978 July 5 (3239) Brian G. Marsden
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