Circular No. 3268 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 NOVA CYGNI 1978 P. J. Andrews and C. Lloyd, Royal Greenwich Observatory, telex: "Spectrograms (dispersion 30 A/mm) covering the range 3700-7000 A obtained with the 75-cm reflector show a very rich blue-shifted absorption spectrum of type A with emission components redward of the strongest lines of H, Fe II (multiplets 42, 49, 27) and O I. The emission components increased in strength between Sept. 12.8 and 14.8 UT. Two absorption systems were measured at H-alpha with velocities of -600 and -1300 km/s. Absorption features measured in the Na D lines have zero velocity (interstellar) and -650 km/s." An exposure of limiting magnitude B = 14 with the Greenwich 66-cm refractor on Sept. 7.88 UT does not show the nova. E. D. Clements has measured the following precise position from another Greenwich plate: R.A. = 21h40m38s.09, Decl. = +43o48'10".6 (equinox 1950.0), and Lloyd and R. W. Argyle confirm the Shao candidate (IAUC 3263) for the probable prenova on the Palomar Sky Survey (B ~ 20; at the limit of the red plate). D. di Cicco, Sky and Telescope, reports that the nova is definitely absent on an exposure of limiting magnitude ~ 12 obtained by B. Mayer, PROBLICOM survey, on Sept. 8.34 UT. The following Johnson-system magnitudes have been reported: Sept. V B - V Observer Sept. V B - V Observer 12.05 6.0 +0.6 Lloyd 14.04 6.00 +0.46 Stelz 13.08 6.2 +0.5 Stelz 14.043 6.18 +0.50 Mallama Lloyd and Argyle (Greenwich Observatory). Photographic photometry. Stelz (Munich Observatory). A. D. Mallama and D. R. Skillman (Goddard Space Flight Center). Apparent fluctuations of 0.03 magnitude in course of several hours. B. Jones and K. M. Merrill obtained the following combined infrared magnitudes on Sept. 15.3 UT with bolometers at the University of Minnesota's Mount Lemmon and O'Brien Observatories: R = 6.5; I = 5.9; 1.2 um, 5.0; 1.6 um, 4.7; 2.2 um, 4.4; 3.6 um, 3.8; 4.9 um, 3.2; 8.6 um, 2.8. They add that careful monitoring for expected episodes of buildup of infrared excess due to free-free emission, 5-um excess emission and the onset of dust formation are needed. Visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 15.13 UT, 6.8 (C. Hurless, Lima, Ohio); 15.17, 6.8 (di Cicco); 15.27, 6.7 (D. W. E. Green, Valparaiso, Indiana); 16.20, 7.0 (di Cicco); 16.42, 6.8 (D. Wallentinsen, Albuquerque, New Mexico); 17.29, 7.1 (di Cicco). 1978 September 18 (3268) Brian G. Marsden
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