Circular No. 3288 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET FUJIKAWA (1978n) M. P. Candy, Perth observatory, communicates the following precise position, measured by J. Johnson from an exposure by P. Jekabsons with the 33-cm astrograph: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Oct. 11.85729 10 20 37.38 + 7 24 59.2 11 PERIODIC COMET HANEDA-CAMPOS (1978j) The following precise position has been measured by R. M. West from a plate taken by H.-E. Schuster with the 100-cm Schmidt telescope at the European Southern Observatory. The comet's image was very diffuse. 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Sept. 29.09960 22 39 17.14 -43 59 36.0 12.5 Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3275: 1978 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Oct. 29 2 19.34 -29 23.7 0.179 1.132 13.3 Nov. 3 2 39.05 -24 33.8 8 2 54.35 -19 54.8 0.213 1.169 13.8 13 3 06.29 -15 34.4 18 3 15.73 -11 36.1 0.259 1.219 14.5 23 3 23.36 - 8 00.1 28 3 29.73 - 4 45.4 0.320 1.278 15.1 Dec. 3 3 35.29 - 1 50.3 8 3 40.38 + 0 47.0 0.395 1.346 15.8 13 3 45.26 + 3 08.1 18 3 50.07 + 5 14.7 0.486 1.419 16.5 23 3 54.95 + 7 08.5 28 3 59.97 + 8 50.9 0.591 1.497 17.1 NOVA CYGNI 1978 Visual magnitude estimates: Oct. 6.81 UT, 8.6 (G. M. Hurst, Northampton, England); 8.14, 9.2 (A. Hale, Annapolis, MD); 9.15, 9.2 (J. Morgan, Prescott, AZ); 10.11, 9.4 (W. Hawley, Concord, NH). 1978 October 16 (3288) Brian G. Marsden
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