Circular No. 3310 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 HR DELPHINI J. B. Hutchings, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, communicates: "HR Del (Nova 1967) has been found to have a spectroscopic orbit of period 0.170 day. The probable value of Incl. is about 45o. Photometric and spectrophotometric observations related to the period would be of interest. The spectrum does not show large changes, but the He II, C III and Baimer lines behave differently." COMET SEARGENT (1978m) Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 3301: 1978/79 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 28 0 47.96 -18 54.6 Jan. 7 0 54.78 -14 39.2 2.204 2.276 13.8 17 1 02.29 -11 07.3 27 1 10.30 - 8 07.0 2.770 2.564 14.8 Feb. 6 1 18.67 - 5 30.4 16 1 27.29 - 3 12.2 3.313 2.839 15.6 26 1 36.07 - 1 08.7 Mar. 8 1 44.93 + 0 42.6 3.809 3.103 16.3 m1 = 8.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r Total visual magnitude estimate by V. F. de Assis Neto, Sao Francisco de Oliveira, Brazil (10-cm reflector): Nov. 6.98 UT, 8.5; coma diameter 10'.0 NOTICE CONCERNING TELEGRAMS Some contributors are still telexing material for the Central Bureau to the telex number of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. This causes delay and inconvenience. The TWX number 710-320-6842 (answerback ASTROGRAM CAM) should be used. Contrary to the advice on IAUC 3231, it would be helpful if contributors sending information by telegram or cablegram would not include the words SMITHSONIAN OBSERVATORY in the address on their messages, for messages so addressed are sometimes relayed to the Smithsonian telex, even though the above TWX number may be clearly specified. TWX 7103206842 ASTROGRAM CAM (USA) is sufficient; as an additional precaution the number could be repeated, and the words CENTRAL BUREAU FOR ASTRON, understood by the telegraph company, can be added. 1978 November 29 (3310) Brian G. Marsden
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