Circular No. 3318 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 LMC X-2 M. Pakull and J.-P. Swings, European Southern Observatory and Universite de Liege, report that a spectrogram (dispersion 170 A/mm) of the proposed optical counterpart of LMC X-2 (IAUC 3313) was secured with the 360-cm telescope and image-dissector scanner. It reveals the presence of He II 4686 A, H-alpha and probably C III-N III 4640-4650 A emission, leaving little doubt about its association with the x-ray source. CYGNUS X-2 N. Marshall and M. G. Watson, X-Ray Astronomy Group, Leicester University, report that analyses of the Ariel 5 ssi observations of Cyg X-2 made between 1974 and 1976 reveal a significant modulation at 9.84 days, consistent with both period and phase of the optical observations reported by Crampton and Cowley (IAUC 3292). The x-ray minimum occurs near phase 0.5 according to their ephemeris, as expected if the modulation is due to obscuration of the x-ray source by matter near the optical star. The full amplitude of the modulation is 30 percent of the mean intensity (2-18 keV). WZ SAGITTAE A. Kruszewski, Warsaw University Observatory, and W. Krzeminski, Copernicus Astronomical Center, communicate: "E. Bogusz and A. Udalski monitored the nova WZ Sge in B on the nights Dec. 6-7, 7-8 and 8-9. The nova continues to vary with amplitude 0.3 magnitude, and it faded to 9.2 in B. Single broad maxima and minima follow the pre-outburst ephemeris. Secondary minima are absent. Further visual magnitude estimates: Dec. 12.97 UT, 9.6 (C. S. Morris, Prospect Hill Observatory); 15.08, 9.6 (P. L. Collins, Mount Hopkins Observatory); 18.01, 10.0 (D. Levy, Amherst View, Ontario); 21.99, 10.5 (J. E. Bortle, Brooks Observatory); 26.01, 10.5 (J. deYoung, Huntington, WV); 28.96, 10.8 (Bortle); 30.02, 10.9 (L. Hyatt, Arlington, VA); 1979 Jan. 1.10, 12.6 (J. Morgan, Prescott, AZ); 2.11, 12.7 (Morgan). 1979 January 3 (3318) Daniel W. E. Green
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