Circular No. 3321 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET KOWAL (1979a) Charles T. Kowal, Hale Observatories, reports that he has discovered a comet on exposures with the 122-cm Schmidt telescope at Palomar as follows: 1979 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Jan. 27.11250 2 58.5 + 9 23 17 28.12361 3 00.8 + 9 21 29.27431 3 03.9 + 9 20 The object is diffuse, with slight condensation but no tail. CATALOGUE OF COMETARY ORBITS A third edition of the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits has been prepared and is again being issued as a special publication of the Central Bureau. Orbital information is included for 1027 cometary apparitions observed up to the end of 1978. There are 63 more entries than in the 1975 edition and 103 more than in the 1972 edition; furthermore, many of the orbits given in the earlier editions have been corrected or otherwise improved. In addition to the general catalogue, listing the comets in order of perihelion passages (with Roman numeral designations included through 1977), there are detailed references and several statistical listings of short-period and long-period comets. Copies of the 88-page Catalogue can be purchased directly from the Central Bureau. The price, incuding postage, is $4.00, although persons outside North America who wish to receive the catalog by airmail should remit an additional $2.00. Checks made payable to the "Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams." Arrangements can be made to deduct the cost from the accounts of subscribers to these Circulars. YY HERCULIS N. L. Cohen, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, writes that observations at the Arecibo Observatory indicate a possible radio continuum detection of the symbiotic star YY Her. A flux density at 21 cm of 7.6 +/- 1 mJy was recorded on 1978 Dec. 31. Interferometric observations are desirable for confirmation. 1979 January 30 (3321) Brian G. Marsden
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