Circular No. 3323 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 AO 0235+164 A. J. Pica, J. T. Pollock and A. G. Smith, Rosemary Hill Observatory, University of Florida, communicate the following recent UBVI photographic magnitude observations, derived using photoelectric comparison sequences by McGinsey et al. (1976, Astron. J. 81, 750) and by Rieke et al. (1976, Nature 260, 754): 1978/79 UT B U V I Dec. 31.10 18.26 Jan. 19.07 16.69 25.04 16.93 16.90 16.20 14.60 29.04 15.70 15.92 14.82 13.01 Feb. 1.12 15.40 15.77 14.61 12.91 They add that the rapid buildup and large amplitude of this flare closely resemble the outburst of 1975 Nov. (IAUC 2867; Rieke et al. loc. cit.) and are typical of the behavior of BL-Lac objects. 4U 1538-52 D. Crampton, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, communicates the following announcement by A. P. Cowley, J. B. Hutchings, C. Chevalier, S. A. Ilovaisky, N. E. White and himself: "As a result of confusion arising from Davison et al.'s (1977, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 181, 73P) use of modified Julian date and the inaccuracy of the period, the ephemerides given by Crampton et al. (1978, Astrophys. J. 225, L63) and by Ilovaisky and Chevalier (I-C; 1979 Jan. Astron. Astrophys.) are in error. X-ray eclipse was observed by HEAO A2 to occur on 1978 Feb. 24.87 +/- 0.25 UT. If this is combined with the epochs given by Davison et al. and by I-C, 1976 Aug. 25.78 +/- 0.10 and 1978 May 10.49 +/- 0.05, a revised period of 3.7288 +/- 0.0007 days is determined. We propose that this, combined with the I-C epoch, be adopted. The phases given by Crampton et al. should be corrected by -0.09, thereby reducing the apparent orbital phase shift from the photometric ephemeris from +0.06 to -0.03. No other significant changes occur in the I-C paper." SUPERNOVA IN NGC 4647 T. A. Boroson and D. Turnshek, Steward Observatory, report that observations on Jan. 30 indicate that this supernova (cf. IAUC 3322) is of type I and then about 30 days past maximum. 1979 February 5 (3323) Brian G. Marsden
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