Circular No. 3367 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SS 433 E. M. Leibowitz and T. Mazeh, Wise Observatory, report that the following positions of the H-alpha blue component of SS 433 have been observed: Apr. 23, 5965 A; May 19, 6060 A; May 23, 6100 A; May 24, 6075 A; and May 26, 6070 A. These values do not agree with the ephemeris given by Martin et al. (IAUC 3358) by up to 250 A. The points are in very close agreement with the curve, given by Abell and Margon (submitted to Nature), which predicts a blend of the two satellites on July 1. A. Amitai-Milchgrub and J. Shaham, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, note that further observations of weak lines in the spectrum of SS 433 are needed. They telex: "A Keplerian ring of matter in a plane inclined to the rotation axis of a massive black hole can precess around the rotation axis in a 164-d period. If the ring radiates mostly from its nodes, the resulting wavelength variation is identical to that of a rotating double jet. However, in the ring geometry, one sometimes expects another pair of shifted lines exterior in wavelength to the already-established pair in SS 433 and with similar mean wavelength (Amitai-Milchgrub and Shaham, submitted Astron. Astrophs.). The new pair is likely to be weaker and possibly appears as 6634 and 6959 A for the H-alpha line in the Feb. 27 data of Liebert et al. (preprint). Other weak lines in these data can be similarly identified. A0535+26 = HDE 245770 C. Bartolini, A. Guarnieri and A. Piccioni, Istituto di Astronomia, Universita di Bologna; and A. Giangrande and F. Giovannelli, Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale, Frascati, communicate: "On Mar. 4.92 UT we monitored HDE 245770, the optical counterpart of A0535+26. The UBV photoelectric observations are contemporaneous with the x-ray outburst of the source on the same date (Sims and Fraser, IAUC 3339). During the 220 min of observations, we did not detect any slope in the lightcurve of the star, which appears at a lower luminosity level with respect to that reported by Bartolin et al. (IAUC 3167). The mean magnitude differences (HDE 245770 minus comparison star) with respect to the star BD +26 876 were: dU = +0.418, dB = +1.282, dV = +1.041; and with respect to BD +25 902 were: dU = +4.562, dB = +4.478, dV = +3.800. Standard deviations are 0.002 magnitude for V and 0.005 magnitude for U and B." 1979 June 4 (3367) Daniel W. E. Green
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