Circular No. 3387 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET BRADFIELD (1979c) The following precise positions from Perth Observatory are available: 1979 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer June 29.43924 8 39 02.44 + 4 28 28.4 C. Pratt 29.44722 8 39 02.55 + 4 29 00.0 " 30.45417 8 39 14.58 + 5 35 55.2 P. Jekabsons July 2.43611 8 39 28.71 + 7 45 11.5 " 4.44444 8 39 28.71 + 9 53 14.6 " 5.43507 8 39 22.66 +10 55 30.8 " 5.44132 8 39 22.43 +10 55 56.9 " 9.44028 8 38 12.16 +15 02 37.8 " M. P. Candy, Perth Observatory, provides the following improved parabolic orbital elements. The ephemeris is very similar to that on IAUC 3383. T = 1979 July 23.256 ET Peri. = 47.553 Node = 163.499 1950.0 q = 0.41367 AU Incl. = 136.263 COMET TORRES (1979e) C. Torres, University of Chile, communicates further precise positions as follows: 1979 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. June 26.32360 19 49 22.58 -11 32 19.3 29.24304 19 46 05.36 -11 07 44.7 29.30380 19 46 01.20 -11 07 14.4 July 2.27984 19 42 36.63 -10 42 24.9 WZ SAGITTAE J. Mattei, American Association of Variable Star Observers, communicates the following visual magnitude estimate: June 20.21 UT, 14.4 (E. Mayer, Barberton, OH). 1979 August 1 (3387) Daniel W. E. Green
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