Circular No. 3412 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 ERUPTIVE VARIABLE IN ANDROMEDA P. Wild, Astronomical Institute, Berne, reports the discovery of an eruptive variable at R.A. = 0h39m.2, Decl. = +26o21' (equinox 1950.0). Magnitude estimates: Sept. 16.90 UT, [17; 19.01, 13; 27.88, 15. 1979 QB E. Helin, California Institute of Technology, reports that this object (cf. IAUC 3401) has been observed as follows by K. R. Russell with the 1.2-m U.K. Schmidt telescope at Coonabarabran: 1979 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Aug. 16.56759 21 49 29.95 -17 49 05.0 16.61273 21 49 29.80 -17 48 40.6 Sept.21.49149 22 02 04.46 - 9 55 30.9 21.54010 22 02 07.04 - 9 54 39.9 Orbital elements and ephemeris by the undersigned: T = 1979 Sept. 25.005 ET Peri. = 11.304 e = 0.44299 Node = 342.155 1950.0 a = 2.33379 AU Incl. = 3.381 n = 0.276446 q = 1.29996 AU P = 3.57 years 1979 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r B Sept.24 22 04.56 - 9 14.3 0.331 1.300 17.7 Oct. 4 22 17.01 - 6 26.5 14 22 32.94 - 3 39.1 0.388 1.314 18.2 24 22 51.51 - 0 56.9 Nov. 3 23 11.96 + 1 38.2 0.488 1.357 18.9 13 23 33.50 + 4 05.3 23 23 55.63 + 6 24.2 0.631 1.424 19.6 COMET BRADFIELD (1979c) J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, reports the following observations (0.3-m reflector) of a vague diffuse patch at the position of the comet: Sept. 12.10, m1 = 11.3, coma 3'.0; 13.15, 11.2, ~ 2'.5. C.-Y. Shao informs us that 15-30-min exposures with Harvard Observatory's 1.5-m f/5 reflector in good conditions on Sept. 21-24 showed the object as a completely uncondensed diffuse spot of m1 ~ 18-19. 1979 October 1 (3412) Brian G. Marsden
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