Circular No. 3440 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET BRADFIELD (1979l) M. P. Candy, Perth Observatory, provides the following precise positions, obtained by M. Buhagiar, J. Johnston and himself: 1979/80 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Dec. 26.82014 16 16 12.52 -36 09 09.8 26.82292 16 16 12.18 -36 09 15.7 27.84201 16 14 53.44 -36 36 02.5 28.82431 16 13 41.91 -37 02 47.7 28.83715 16 13 40.95 -37 03 08.9 29.83993 16 12 32.79 -37 31 30.6 31.83316 16 10 33.81 -38 31 51.0 Jan. 2.83819 16 08 59.11 -39 39 14.5 3.81910 16 08 23.11 -40 15 20.5 Candy also provides the following orbital elements, derived on the assumption that the comet is identical with comet 1770 II and has made one revolution since then. D. Herald, Canberra, has also suggested identity with comet 1770 II. A general solution by the undersigned indicates P = 234 +/- 100 years, so the assumption of two revolutions since 1770 seems unlikely. It is not absolutely clear that the identification is correct, and the ephemeris could therefore be substantially in error when the comet approaches the earth. T = 1979 Dec. 21.575 ET Peri. = 257.48 e = 0.9845 (assumed) Node = 102.50 1950.0 q = 0.5453 AU Incl. = 148.61 1980 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Jan. 10 16 08.12 -45 18.7 0.650 0.699 5.0 12 16 09.99 -47 42.3 14 16 13.57 -50 44.5 0.505 0.756 4.8 16 16 20.08 -54 43.0 18 16 32.53 -60 05.4 0.367 0.816 4.4 20 17 00.77 -67 31.0 22 18 37.3 -77 01.4 0.250 0.878 3.9 24 0 06.4 -76 50.6 26 2 14.09 -58 05.9 0.198 0.942 3.7 28 2 48.28 -37 23.8 30 3 03.28 -21 11.5 0.255 1.007 4.6 Feb. 1 3 11.71 - 9 59.8 3 3 17.20 - 2 21.2 0.372 1.072 5.7 1980 January 7 (3440) Brian G. Marsden
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