Circular No. 3484 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SATELLITES OF SATURN J. Lecacheux, Observatoire de Meudon, communicates the following observation of a faint object (magnitude ~ 17), designated 1980 S 24, probably present on three electronographic exposures by G. Lelievre at Haute Provence. On Apr. 12.028 UT the object was located 42".5 +/- 1" west of the center of Saturn and moving outward. R. Suggs, Department of Astronomy, New Nexico State University, writes that a 19-min exposure centered on Apr. 10.295 UT with the 0.61-m f/75 telescope shows 1966 S 2 clearly detached from the A ring at a distance of 24".65 +/- 0".03 (standard deviation from five measurements) east of the center of Saturn. The planet was occulted by a 2.00 neutral density filter, and 103a-D emulsion was used. SUPERNOVA IN MCG -3-34-61 R. M. West and R. Barbier, European Southern Observatory, report: "A spectrum (range 370-740 nm, dispersion 12 x 10**-6) of this object was obtained on June 3.15 UT with the Las Campanas 2.5-m telescope and Schectman reticon spectrograph. From a preliminary comparison with tracings by Kirshner et al. (1973, A .J. 185, 303) and with the general description by Oke and Searle (1974, Ann. Rev. A. & Ap. 12, 315), we find that the spectrum basically corresponds to a Type I supernova, early phase B. The velocity of the elliptical parent galaxy is around 7700 km/s." SS 433 J. C. Kemp and M. S. Barbour, University of Oregon, write: "Twenty nights of photometry in 1980 Apr.-May show: (1) In V band, large variations as in 1979, with an underlying Fourier amplitude of probably 0.3 mag on the 6.5-day half period of 13 days (Kemp et al. 1980, Ap.J. June 15, in press). The phasing referred to the 1979 data suggests an average period of 13.1 days, rather than 12.9 days, but an alias of 12.75 days cannot yet be ruled out by the photometry alone. (2) In unfiltered S-20 light, an apparent approach to a broad minimum (possibly around 1980 June 1), at the same level as the minimum near 1979 July 15. Others are invited to exchange data with us to secure an intensive record, especially in V band; our address is: Physics Dept., University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, U.S.A. For best correlation we advise use of our comparison star 1, V ~ 11.2, 1'.6 north-northwest of SS 433, the bright northern star of the small diamond asterism, which seems constant to < 0.05 mag." 1980 June 6 (3484) Brian G. Marsden
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