Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3495: Sats OF SATURN; mu Cen; (216); 1980 LB

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3495
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Corrigendum.  On IAUC 3491, the measurements of 1980 S 10
should read: Mar. 15.9528 UT, -57".24 (west), -0".55 (south); 15.9851,
-58".93, -0".38; 16.0236, -60".40, -0".37; 16.0892, -61".45, -0".57;
16.126, -61".65, -0".67.

     G. J. Peters, Department of Astronomy, University of Southern
California, reports: "After a quiet phase lasting nearly 3 years, mu
Cen (B2IVe, v sin I = 155 km/s) has apparently begun to develop
another circumstellar envelope.  Spectrograms taken at Kitt Peak National
Observatory June 10-12 show a centrally-reversed H-alpha emission
feature (I = 1.5Ic, V = R), Balmer cores through H-9, and weak
emission in He I 667.8 nm which may vary nightly.  Continued
spectroscopic, as well as photometric and polarimetric, observations are
urged during these initial stages of the development of an envelope
which, according to past history, may persist for the next decade."

     D. J. Tholen, Department of Planetary Sciences, University of
Arizona, writes, with reference to the article by Dunham (1980, Sky
Telesc. 59, 38), that his recent photometry suggests that (216)
Kleopatra is a minor planet of M or E type and therefore much
smaller than the 219 km previously assumed.  His estimates of the
maximum diameter range from 126 to 59 km.  Further, the large-amplitude
light variation indicates that the object is very elongated, its
minimum diameter ranging from 68 to 31 km.  This information will
be of interest to potential observers of the predicted occultations
by (216) Kleopatra on Oct. 10 and Nov. 21.

1980 LB
     Further observations in July by E. Bowell at the Lowell
Observatory show that this high-inclination minor planet has a smaller
orbit (a = 3.14 AU, e = 0.34, i = 41o.5) than was given on IAUC
3490.  The object therefore appears not to be a 2:1 Jupiter librator.
Details will be published on the Aug. 1 MPCs.

1980 July 24                   (3495)              Daniel W. E. Green

Read IAUC 3494  SEARCH Read IAUC 3496

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