Circular No. 3508 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 OCCULTATION OF SAO 75392 BY (78) DIANA ON 1980 SEPTEMBER 4 D. W. Dunham, Silver Spring, Maryland, reports that astrometric observations by G. E. Taylor, Royal Greenwich Observatory, on Aug. 23 and by A. Klemola, Lick Observatory, on Aug. 25 revise the predicted central path of this event as follows: UT Long. Lat. UT Long. Lat. 11h11m0 +102o +20o 11h16m2 +96o +35o 11 12.5 +100 +25 11 18.3 +93 +40 11 14.5 + 98 +30 The sun will be at the following respective altitudes at the above times: -15o, -14, -12, -9, -5. The path should be about 225-240 km wide, with the duration of occultation being ~ 20s (cf. Sky Telesc. 60, 121). Further last-minute inforation may become available from Dunham (telephone 301-589-1545, ext. 358, or 301-585-0989). COMET CERNIS-PETRAUSKAS (1980k) V. Straizys, Vilnius University Observatory, informs us that the comet was discovered by Kazimeras Cernis and Jovaras Petrauskas at the Vilnius Observatory's station on Maidanak Mountain, Uzbekistan. The following observations have been reported: 1981 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Aug. 10.075 12 40 35 +31 48.18 Belserene 17.87257 13 19 12.19 +30 20 24.1 Wild E. P. Belserene (Maria Mitchell Observatory). Coma diameter ~0'.8. P. Wild (Astronomical Institute, Berne, Zimmerwald Station). Orbital computations by the undersigned which include the six accurate positions from Aug. 2-17 reveal similar elements to those published on IAUC 3504; the ephemeris change is quite small (dDecl. ~ -2'). VY SCULPTORIS B. J. M. Hassall and J. H. J. Whelan, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, communicate the following precise position of this object (equinox 1950.0): R.A. = 23h26m21s.3, Decl. = -30o03'17" (cf. IAUC 3502). 1980 August 29 (3508) Daniel W. E. Green
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