Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3530: 1980p; 1980g; Notice

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3530
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

COMET 1980p
     E. Helin, California Institute of Technology, informs us that
this object does not exist.  The observations reported on IAUC 3528
evidently refer to a ghost image of alpha Leo.

     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3488:

     1980/81 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1     m2
     Dec.  7     5 31.77    +22 48.9    0.594   1.575    8.8   13.8
          17     5 31.83    +28 20.8
          27     5 32.15    +33 23.6    0.628   1.599    9.0   14.0
     Jan.  6     5 34.38    +37 31.3
          16     5 39.88    +40 34.7    0.750   1.661    9.7   14.6
          26     5 49.19    +42 37.9
     Feb.  5     6 02.08    +43 49.9    0.941   1.756   10.5   15.3
          15     6 17.98    +44 20.5
          25     6 36.05    +44 18.2    1.187   1.876   11.5   16.1
     Mar.  7     6 55.50    +43 49.7
          17     7 15.70    +43 00.6    1.479   2.016   12.4   16.9
          27     7 36.12    +41 55.3
     Apr.  6     7 56.40    +40 37.2    1.807   2.169   13.3   17.6
          16     8 16.31    +39 09.5
          26     8 35.69    +37 34.4    2.163   2.330          18.3
     May   6     8 54.48    +35 54.0
          16     9 12.64    +34 09.9    2.537   2.498          19.0
          26     9 30.17    +32 23.5
     June  5     9 47.09    +30 35.7    2.918   2.669          19.6
          15    10 03.44    +28 47.7
          25    10 19.24    +27 00.1    3.293   2.841          20.1

     Starting Nov. 1, line charges are to be increased to $10.00
per line plus $30.00 per title ($20.00 for shared titles).  Line
charges are levied on all items relating to non-optical observations,
and also to optical observations other than discovery announcements
of comets, unusual minor planets, satellites, novae and
supernovae and essential follow-up information.

1980 October 28                (3530)              Brian G. Marsden

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