Circular No. 3610 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SUPERNOVAE B. Szeidl, Konkoly Observatory, cables that M. Lovas has discovered a supernova 15" east and 10" north of the center of NGC 4874 (R. A. = 12h57m.2, Decl. = +28o14', equinox 1950.0). The object was observed on June 2 at mpg = 15. C. Torres, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile, telexes that E. Gonzalez has discovered a probable supernova located 1" west and 11" north of the center of an anonymous galaxy at R. A. = 12h47m56s.94, Decl. = -9o10'43".0 (equinox 1950.0). On May 30.089 UT the object was at mpg = 15. PU VULPECULAE A. Purgathofer and A. Schnell, Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna, report further photoelectric data for this object (cf. IAUC 3604) obtained at the Figl Observatory: May 21.03 UT, V = 9.53, B-V = +0.83, U-B = +0.53; June 3.00, 9.30, +0.84, +0.54. J. A. Mattei, AAVSO, communicates that this object continued to decline (cf. IAUC 3487) until 1980 mid-Sept., and provides the following mean visual magnitude estimates by AAVSO members: 1980 July 4, 12.7; 29, 13.1; Aug. 23, 13.5; Sept. 17, 13.7; Oct. 12, 13.3; Nov. 6, 13.0; Dec. 1, 13.0; 26, 12.9; 1981 Jan. 20, 12.5; Feb. 14, 12.3; Mar. 11, 12.0; Apr. 5, 11.5. She also provides the following recent individual estimates: Apr. 13.5 UT, 11.0 (T. Langhans, San Bruno, CA); 23.5, 10.6 (Langhans); 29.5, 10.2 (Langhans); May 7.2, 9.8 (E. Mayer, Barberton, OH); 17.5, 9.5 (Langhans); June 1.16, 9.4 (Mayer); 1.18, 9.7 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY). POSSIBLE METEOR SHOWER J. D. Drummond, Department of Astronomy, New Mexico State University, writes that comet 1964 VIII (Ikeya) is a likely parent body of the epsilon Geminid meteor shower of October, and that a stronger pre-dawn shower is predicted between about June 25 and July 9, the dates of minimum post-perihelion approach to the earth of the orbits of the epsilon Geminids (with theoretical radiant R.A. = 19o, Decl. = +8o) and comet 1964 VIII (R.A. = 31o, Decl. = +9o), respectively (cf. Drummond 1980, Icarus 41, in press). Favorable conditions will occur for searching for these meteors this year, with new moon occurring on July 1.8 UT. 1981 June 5 (3610) Daniel W. E. Green
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