Circular No. 3612 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 PERIODIC COMET GEHRELS 2 (1981f) A. Cochran, McDonald Observatory, reports the probable recovery of this comet as follows: 1981 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 June 8.4391 0 33 34 + 8 21.1 18.5-19 9.4330 0 34 59 + 8 29.8 A TV-imaging system showed the comet to be essentially stellar in appearance. The indicated correction to the prediction on MPC 5656 (elements on MPC 5640) is Delta-T = +0.15 day. AM HERCULIS J. Mattei, AAVSO, informs us that this object again seems to be fading (cf. IAUC 349O). The following visual magnitude estimates have been made by E. Mayer, Barberton, OH: May 2.25 UT, 13.2; June 2.10, 13.3; 11.14, 14.4. SATELLITES OF SATURN C. Veillet, CERGA, reports that analysis of 49 positions of 1980 S 6 obtained with the Danish-ESO 1.5-m telescope on seven nights during 1981 Apr. 6-14 gives for the true longitude U(t) = 228o.38 + n(t - t0) + 1o.314 sin n(t - t1); n is assumed to be the mean daily motion of Saturn IV (Dione), t0 = 1981 Apr. 5.5 UT, t1 = 1981 Apr. 6.323 UT = the time of perisaturnium passage; the orbit, with an eccentricity e = 0.015, satisfies the observed longitudes within 0o.30 (s.d.) and gives for 1981 Apr. 1.25 UT a longitude difference from Dione of +48o.4 (cf. the observation on IAUC 3593). Observations of Saturn IX (Phoebe) obtained at the European Southern Observatory under the direction of H. Debehogne: 1981 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mar. 1.25213 12 31 38.57 - 0 35 33.7 1.25905 12 31 38.44 - 0 35 33.3 1.26598 12 31 38.35 - 0 35 32.4 5.31531 12 30 43.89 - 0 29 03.6 5.32224 12 30 43.79 - 0 29 03.5 5.32916 12 30 43.73 - 0 29 03.0 1981 June 12 (3612) Brian G. Marsden
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